Uplook - January 06, 2023
by William McKibben on January 6th, 2024
Good evening,It is already dark and I am just sitting down to write.  Normally that might mean some sort of bad new or challenges for which I had not prepared and now scrambling to catch up.   Instead this time…it is only good news.   Lori has been firmly planted on the couch since her foot surgery and we both had our first good nights sleep in weeks last night.  After getting her settled after br...  Read More
Uplook - December 30, 2023
by William McKibben on December 30th, 2023
Good afternoon on the final Saturday of 2023.  I’ve had a little time to reflect during this week, and year end lends itself to that process as well.  I will, Lord willing,  be making an “official” year end church report at our Quarterly Ordinance service to be held toward the end of January but will share a few things for which I am personally thankful as this year comes to a close.  It seems mos...  Read More
Uplook - December 23, 2023
by William McKibben on December 23rd, 2023
Good afternoon dear Seattle saints,The winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere where we live was last Thursday, December 21st .  It marks the point at which our hemisphere is tilted the farthest away from the sun during the entire year.  The nights are long and the days short and this day it the pinnacle of both. Interestingly enough…the sun in itself has not “moved” but rather the earth becaus...  Read More
Uplook - December 16, 2023
by William McKibben on December 16th, 2023
Dear Seattle Saints,It’s a sunny Saturday in December which we do not take for granted and the temperature is above average for the month.  Such clear skies bring to mind the lyrics of a Carol sung often this time of year. It was a poem written by Edmond Hamilton Sears in 1849 and set to music by Richard Storrs Willis a student of Felix Mendelson.It Came Upon the Midnight ClearIt came upon the mid...  Read More
Uplook - December 9, 2023
by William McKibben on December 9th, 2023
Dear Seattle Saints,As I have contemplated this Christmas Season, I am reminded of one of our dear saints who went to be with the Lord, this past year.  Her name was Sis. Louise Fisher.  She, along with her husband, Bro. Don were among the founding members of our congregation back in the late 1950’s.  When we moved to Seattle (the first time) in 1997, Sis. Louise was in her late 60’s.  She had tau...  Read More
Uplook - December 2, 2023
by William McKibben on December 2nd, 2023
Happy December,Over our years in Seattle (nearly 15 when you combine both times we’ve lived here), I continue to be amazed at how short the days get during this month.  On December 21st is the Winter Solstice during which, in Seattle, the sun will rise at 7:54 a.m. and set at 4:20 p.m. for only eight hours and 26 minutes of daylight.  I suppose we could be discouraged that the sun will not set aft...  Read More





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