Uplook - May 18. 2024
Happy Saturday,
Yesterday, Lori and I took some time to get lunch and sit near the Puget Sound. During our time there we saw sail boats, seals, pigeons, gulls, as well as a variety of people on the walking path nearby. Although a bit overcast, we were still able to see the Olympic mountains from time to time and watched a number of aircraft either approaching or departing from one of the many airports in our area. In today’s busy life it is perhaps not often enough that we stop to try to get perspective on what is around us. While sitting there we talked about how easy it is to become overwhelmed with the challenges which we all face and lose perspective on the majesty of the creation around us or the wonder of the wind driving a sailboat or the mystery of how a specifically designed wing provided with adequate thrust keeps a multi-ton jetliner aloft and able to fly thousands of miles.
Lori mentioned to me how she noticed the variety of people who passed by. Women and men, some older or younger, some taller or shorter, some walking, others running, others riding (strollers or skateboards), and some who just sat nearby on the grass, at a table, or in their vehicles. There were a variety of languages which we overheard spoken while others walked by silently. I was struck by the simple truth that in all of the majesty, wonder, and mystery of life, the Lord takes an individual interest in every living human being on the planet. It is easy to sometimes forget Jesus’ words:
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6–7
The implication is breathtakingly simple in Jesus’ words. Sparrows which are so plentiful as to be very inexpensively obtained are each known and remembered by God. Beyond that, human beings are not only remembered by God, but known in intimate detail down to the exact number of hairs on their heads. Scientific American notes that “depending on hair color, the average person has between 90,000 – 150,000 hairs on their head.” Those with blonde hair lean toward the upper limit and those with red hair to the lower limit with brown and black hair in between. I also read that the average person loses 50-100 strands per day. But don’t lose heart, in general we also grow 50-100 new hairs daily, although this number is generally reduced as we age.
All of this discussion is to encourage you to not lose the majesty, mystery, and wonder of our Creator God who thinks you are valuable enough to engage and know much more about you than just the number of hairs on your head. What may be even more amazing is the fact that He loves you and wants to be in intimate relationship with you. That, my brothers and sister, should help put things back in perspective for you no matter the circumstances you are facing.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Yesterday, Lori and I took some time to get lunch and sit near the Puget Sound. During our time there we saw sail boats, seals, pigeons, gulls, as well as a variety of people on the walking path nearby. Although a bit overcast, we were still able to see the Olympic mountains from time to time and watched a number of aircraft either approaching or departing from one of the many airports in our area. In today’s busy life it is perhaps not often enough that we stop to try to get perspective on what is around us. While sitting there we talked about how easy it is to become overwhelmed with the challenges which we all face and lose perspective on the majesty of the creation around us or the wonder of the wind driving a sailboat or the mystery of how a specifically designed wing provided with adequate thrust keeps a multi-ton jetliner aloft and able to fly thousands of miles.
Lori mentioned to me how she noticed the variety of people who passed by. Women and men, some older or younger, some taller or shorter, some walking, others running, others riding (strollers or skateboards), and some who just sat nearby on the grass, at a table, or in their vehicles. There were a variety of languages which we overheard spoken while others walked by silently. I was struck by the simple truth that in all of the majesty, wonder, and mystery of life, the Lord takes an individual interest in every living human being on the planet. It is easy to sometimes forget Jesus’ words:
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6–7
The implication is breathtakingly simple in Jesus’ words. Sparrows which are so plentiful as to be very inexpensively obtained are each known and remembered by God. Beyond that, human beings are not only remembered by God, but known in intimate detail down to the exact number of hairs on their heads. Scientific American notes that “depending on hair color, the average person has between 90,000 – 150,000 hairs on their head.” Those with blonde hair lean toward the upper limit and those with red hair to the lower limit with brown and black hair in between. I also read that the average person loses 50-100 strands per day. But don’t lose heart, in general we also grow 50-100 new hairs daily, although this number is generally reduced as we age.
All of this discussion is to encourage you to not lose the majesty, mystery, and wonder of our Creator God who thinks you are valuable enough to engage and know much more about you than just the number of hairs on your head. What may be even more amazing is the fact that He loves you and wants to be in intimate relationship with you. That, my brothers and sister, should help put things back in perspective for you no matter the circumstances you are facing.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor