Uplook - March 8. 2025

Dear Saints,

We have spent most of the week in Portland at the winter “Tabernacle Meetings” held at our church headquarters.  Besides the evening services, there were ministers training sessions, youth devotionals, and also an opportunity to meet and fellowship with several pastors and saints with whom we don’t often get the opportunity.  We were inspired by a number of challenging sermons and services.  If you have not already taken the time to watch them, you will be encouraged and strengthened to stream them from the media archive at apostolicfaith.org.  

We finished our time in Portland with a brief visit with Bro. Nolan and Sis. Joan Roby who pastored here in Seattle in the mid 1990’s.  They are now both in their late 80’s but full of joy and serving the Lord faithfully.  Bro. Nolan was the youth leader in Medford, Oregon when I was first saved and Lori played flute next to Sis. Joan who played bassoon in the Medford church orchestra so we go back a lot of years.   Thank the Lord for long term faithfulness and long term deep fellowship.  May the Lord help us to endeavor to “keep the unity of the faith in the bond of peace” just as the scripture declares.  We know our reward in heaven will be great and the blessings we experience here will be precious.  

God bless each of you as we enter the season of “Lent” (the 40 days before Easter) as we consider the suffering of Jesus for each of us.  May we all be willing to “give up something” because Christ gave up everything.  

Also…although this is coming late…I will remind you to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight for Daylight Savings Time.   See you in the morning for church, Lord willing.  
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor





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