Uplook - September 16, 2023
Happy Sunny September Saturday,
As I look out the window of my office this afternoon I have noticed that across the street our neighbor has a tree whose leaves have already turned from green to bright yellow in anticipation of fall season. (Which by the way…is not officially here for another 6 days for the record) I was also thinking of my good friend, Brother Yoshiki Ohno who spent nearly a year as a part of our Seattle congregation and is now pastor of our church in Kawasaki, Japan. He and his fiancé, Sis. Rei Takahashi are anticipating their wedding which is scheduled only four weeks way. I began to reflect on the various times of anticipation I have experienced through the years. Some were quite joyous while others did not bring joy at all.
I anticipated with joy my graduation from high school, university, and graduate school. It was joyous anticipation waiting to wed Sis. Lori and a few years later the arrival of each of our children. I have anticipated upcoming camp meetings or the chance to visit friends overseas with great joy. I have also anticipated the completion of a project or responsibility with at least a measure of joy. In contrast, I have anticipated some other things with a measure of dread or grief over the years. For example, my father contracted brain cancer at the age of 48 and lived another 13 months. While I’m thankful he made his peace with God before His passing…the anticipation was not pleasant. Lori and I have moved a number of times over the past 35 years of pastoring and the anticipation of leaving a congregation has never brought us joy but rather it often brought tears and sadness, even when we knew it was God’s plan. And then there are some events in life which we anticipate with a sort of mixed bag of emotions. When our children grow up enough to move out on their own…we are filled with pride and happiness for them and yet there is a measure of loss as well even though we have been anticipating it maybe for years.
There is an event which is soon to fall upon the entire world. It is the return of Jesus to earth to retrieve His bride the Church. As Christians we should be anticipating it with great joy and yet with a measure of soberness knowing there are those whom we know who have not yet availed themselves of the provided “wedding garment” and will be denied admission. And there are others yet, who know of Christ’s promised return and rather than joy, have a sense of dread and fear in anticipation because they have not prepared. This is why we always offer a chance to pray for all following our services…that all may anticipate the Lord’s soon return with joy and not fear. May God help us all…to anticipate and share our anticipation with all within our respective sphere of influence. The spiritual “leaves are falling”. It cannot be long and it may be soon.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
As I look out the window of my office this afternoon I have noticed that across the street our neighbor has a tree whose leaves have already turned from green to bright yellow in anticipation of fall season. (Which by the way…is not officially here for another 6 days for the record) I was also thinking of my good friend, Brother Yoshiki Ohno who spent nearly a year as a part of our Seattle congregation and is now pastor of our church in Kawasaki, Japan. He and his fiancé, Sis. Rei Takahashi are anticipating their wedding which is scheduled only four weeks way. I began to reflect on the various times of anticipation I have experienced through the years. Some were quite joyous while others did not bring joy at all.
I anticipated with joy my graduation from high school, university, and graduate school. It was joyous anticipation waiting to wed Sis. Lori and a few years later the arrival of each of our children. I have anticipated upcoming camp meetings or the chance to visit friends overseas with great joy. I have also anticipated the completion of a project or responsibility with at least a measure of joy. In contrast, I have anticipated some other things with a measure of dread or grief over the years. For example, my father contracted brain cancer at the age of 48 and lived another 13 months. While I’m thankful he made his peace with God before His passing…the anticipation was not pleasant. Lori and I have moved a number of times over the past 35 years of pastoring and the anticipation of leaving a congregation has never brought us joy but rather it often brought tears and sadness, even when we knew it was God’s plan. And then there are some events in life which we anticipate with a sort of mixed bag of emotions. When our children grow up enough to move out on their own…we are filled with pride and happiness for them and yet there is a measure of loss as well even though we have been anticipating it maybe for years.
There is an event which is soon to fall upon the entire world. It is the return of Jesus to earth to retrieve His bride the Church. As Christians we should be anticipating it with great joy and yet with a measure of soberness knowing there are those whom we know who have not yet availed themselves of the provided “wedding garment” and will be denied admission. And there are others yet, who know of Christ’s promised return and rather than joy, have a sense of dread and fear in anticipation because they have not prepared. This is why we always offer a chance to pray for all following our services…that all may anticipate the Lord’s soon return with joy and not fear. May God help us all…to anticipate and share our anticipation with all within our respective sphere of influence. The spiritual “leaves are falling”. It cannot be long and it may be soon.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor