Uplook - February 11, 2024
February Greetings,
Over 100 million people are slated to tune in to tomorrows Super Bowl 58. Beyond the obvious disappointment that the Seattle Seahawks are not involved I will admit that while mildly interested, I will not be missing any church services tomorrow to watch. There is a little nostalgia when I think back to being 11 years old and listening to my father speak with awe about names like Vince Lombardi and Bart Starr. The Green Bay Packers were literally the only football team which I knew about during those days. I grew up and over the years we have lived in several major cities with professional football teams (49ers, Raiders, Rams, Seahawks, etc.) It amazes me that week after week stadiums fill and millions are mesmerized by American football. I suppose it is not only an American issue…although similar behavior happens in many other places around the world over a sport which we call “soccer” and they call “football”.
Now, lest you think I am actually writing about sports, may I bring to your attention that such a crowd might be small when you consider over 650 million around the world watched Neil Armstrong’s foot take that first step onto the moon’s surface in 1969. And there are international weddings, funerals, and even World Cup (soccer) events which may have drawn even more viewers. But most importantly, there is coming a day in the not too distant future when over 7 billion people…all that are alive on planet Earth will view an amazing event. Let me clarify, I am not talking about the Rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ for Jesus will only be seen by believers on that fateful day. A few years later after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven and the Great Tribulation on Earth the most largely viewed event in human history will transpire. John the Revelator stated it like this:
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:7–8
This will not be a time of joy…for those who are left upon the earth at the time of the Rapture because they will now face Jesus as the Judge rather than the Savior. It reminds me of a story I heard once about a man who was rescued after some sort of auto accident which he caused. The rescuer left without any acclaim or thanks. The man later found himself in court for the crime which contributed to the auto accident. He looked at the man sitting up front and recognized him as the man who had earlier rescued him. He mentioned that they had earlier met and the man up front responded sadly, “Then I was your savior but today I am your judge.”
Those who do not take advantage of the salvation and deliverance of Christ will sadly someday find themselves standing before Him as their Judge. May God help us to rush into His loving arms of mercy while they are still open wide to receive us.
Housekeeping notes:
Choir – In preparation for Easter and future Sundays there will be practice at 3:30 in the Sanctuary tomorrow.
Food Drive – The next three Sunday’s we will be collecting non-perishable foodstuffs to donate to a local Northgate food pantry. There will be a table in the narthex for collection. Fliers are available from the ushers and any questions can be directed to Sis. Lorina or myself.
Blessing to you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Over 100 million people are slated to tune in to tomorrows Super Bowl 58. Beyond the obvious disappointment that the Seattle Seahawks are not involved I will admit that while mildly interested, I will not be missing any church services tomorrow to watch. There is a little nostalgia when I think back to being 11 years old and listening to my father speak with awe about names like Vince Lombardi and Bart Starr. The Green Bay Packers were literally the only football team which I knew about during those days. I grew up and over the years we have lived in several major cities with professional football teams (49ers, Raiders, Rams, Seahawks, etc.) It amazes me that week after week stadiums fill and millions are mesmerized by American football. I suppose it is not only an American issue…although similar behavior happens in many other places around the world over a sport which we call “soccer” and they call “football”.
Now, lest you think I am actually writing about sports, may I bring to your attention that such a crowd might be small when you consider over 650 million around the world watched Neil Armstrong’s foot take that first step onto the moon’s surface in 1969. And there are international weddings, funerals, and even World Cup (soccer) events which may have drawn even more viewers. But most importantly, there is coming a day in the not too distant future when over 7 billion people…all that are alive on planet Earth will view an amazing event. Let me clarify, I am not talking about the Rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ for Jesus will only be seen by believers on that fateful day. A few years later after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven and the Great Tribulation on Earth the most largely viewed event in human history will transpire. John the Revelator stated it like this:
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:7–8
This will not be a time of joy…for those who are left upon the earth at the time of the Rapture because they will now face Jesus as the Judge rather than the Savior. It reminds me of a story I heard once about a man who was rescued after some sort of auto accident which he caused. The rescuer left without any acclaim or thanks. The man later found himself in court for the crime which contributed to the auto accident. He looked at the man sitting up front and recognized him as the man who had earlier rescued him. He mentioned that they had earlier met and the man up front responded sadly, “Then I was your savior but today I am your judge.”
Those who do not take advantage of the salvation and deliverance of Christ will sadly someday find themselves standing before Him as their Judge. May God help us to rush into His loving arms of mercy while they are still open wide to receive us.
Housekeeping notes:
Choir – In preparation for Easter and future Sundays there will be practice at 3:30 in the Sanctuary tomorrow.
Food Drive – The next three Sunday’s we will be collecting non-perishable foodstuffs to donate to a local Northgate food pantry. There will be a table in the narthex for collection. Fliers are available from the ushers and any questions can be directed to Sis. Lorina or myself.
Blessing to you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor