"And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord."

Leviticus 27 : 30 KJV

Finances are never the focus of our church services. We do not have public collections or appeals for money. Instead we teach the Biblical principles of tithing and generosity and have a small locked box at the rear of our sanctuary to receive donations.  We are also happy to offer the option of online giving through Subsplash Giving.


  1. Enter a dollar amount
  2. Choose a fund ("Tithes and Offerings", unless you are giving for a specific missionary need)
  3. After clicking "Next", you will be asked to create a Subsplash Giving account before completing your donation.

After your Subplash giving account is created, select the icon in the top right to view your account information and donation history.

Note: Subsplash Giving charges a small transaction fee for each donation. Please consider using the option to "cover" the transaction fee.