Uplook - March 30, 2024
Today is sometimes referred to as “Holy Saturday” or “Holy Sabbath” by Christians around the world. In the Philippines it is referred to as “Black Saturday” as it is considered a day of mourning and remembering of the long day between Friday morning’s crucifixion and Sunday mornings resurrection. No matter what you may call it, it is certainly a day in between. I sometimes characterize it as the day in between two of the greatest three word declarations in human history.
The first was made by Jesus himself while hanging on the Roman cross of shame. At the point of death, he cried out “It is finished”. He was speaking less of the end of his physical life and more of the ultimate fulfillment of the Jewish sacrificial system for the atonement of human sinfulness. Jesus the great High Priest, offered himself as the perfect, unblemished, sinless sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. The plan which was conceived prior to the creation of the universe was now brought to what seemed to be its climax as Jesus took His last breath.
The second declaration was made by two angels to disciples approaching Jesus’ tomb. Their declaration “He is risen” moved the story to an even higher climax than many could have hoped. Not only was human sinfulness atoned for and God’s justice satisfied, but now in Christ’s resurrection all of humanity is offered new life. Paul the Apostle used this idea in his letter to the Corinthian church when he stated:
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
The original language of the New Testament (Greek) is even more emphatic than the English translators made it …declaring something like “new creation!” It echoes back to the Garden of Eden and humanity’s fall into sin…and that in Christ the old sinful life is now dead and buried and we are risen to walk as newly created humans reflecting His image.
On this in between day may we reflect upon both of these declarations so we can have renewed wonder at God’s plan of redemption through Christ which we will celebrate tomorrow.
And don’t miss our choir program in the morning service as well as an international guest speaker in the evening service. God bless you all.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Apostolic Faith Church
Seattle, WA
The first was made by Jesus himself while hanging on the Roman cross of shame. At the point of death, he cried out “It is finished”. He was speaking less of the end of his physical life and more of the ultimate fulfillment of the Jewish sacrificial system for the atonement of human sinfulness. Jesus the great High Priest, offered himself as the perfect, unblemished, sinless sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. The plan which was conceived prior to the creation of the universe was now brought to what seemed to be its climax as Jesus took His last breath.
The second declaration was made by two angels to disciples approaching Jesus’ tomb. Their declaration “He is risen” moved the story to an even higher climax than many could have hoped. Not only was human sinfulness atoned for and God’s justice satisfied, but now in Christ’s resurrection all of humanity is offered new life. Paul the Apostle used this idea in his letter to the Corinthian church when he stated:
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
The original language of the New Testament (Greek) is even more emphatic than the English translators made it …declaring something like “new creation!” It echoes back to the Garden of Eden and humanity’s fall into sin…and that in Christ the old sinful life is now dead and buried and we are risen to walk as newly created humans reflecting His image.
On this in between day may we reflect upon both of these declarations so we can have renewed wonder at God’s plan of redemption through Christ which we will celebrate tomorrow.
And don’t miss our choir program in the morning service as well as an international guest speaker in the evening service. God bless you all.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Apostolic Faith Church
Seattle, WA