Uplook - August 24, 2024
Dear Seattle Saints,
I have come to realize that sometimes inspiration for my weekly note of encouragement comes from the view from my office desk at home. As I have contemplated this a bit, I realize it is a bit of a metaphor from which we can possibly learn. Some of the things which I see and even take for granted are always in their place and seemingly never changing. These would include the window, the houses across the street, the sound of the pond fountain flowing just outside and even the trees and bushes. And yet all of those things are seemingly affected by the other things both seen and unseen which are ever changing. These might include the color of the trees which shifts from blossoms to leaves and then to changing colors of leaves before giving way to trunk and branches alone. From my warm desk perch it also seems obvious that the temperature varies not only seasonally but daily and sometimes hourly. Finally, the sky above it all which today is gray and foreboding as it has been the past few days is somedays miraculously blue and sun filled.
I write all of this in an attempt to point out how we are all often tied to the changing things which surround us rather than those which are unchanging. I find my mood more upbeat and encouraged on the sunny days and a bit less so on the overcast days as do many Seattleites.
I am reminded of years ago in a different location where during the winters there were many foggy days. One day in frustration, I climbed in the car and drove about 20 miles into the mountains and I specifically remember turning a corner and pulling into a turnout to admire the view which in the bright sunshine looked down on the billows of fog which covered the valley below. At that moment, the Holy Spirit seemed to speak to my heart saying, “And just like this…I am still above the circumstances which seem to cloud your view of me and the warmth of my love.”
So today, on this “winter break” in our short and much needed summer time, may we all remember the things which never change. Circumstances and situations come and go just like leaves on the trees during the changing seasons. Yet our faith in the Lord is rooted and grounded in His love for us and is unchangeable. Consider these scriptures which are true both beneath and above the overcast and fogged in lives in which we sometimes find ourselves.
“ For I am the Lord, I change not; Therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6 In this case Israel has allowed their circumstances to shift their behavior away from the covenant and selfishly to themselves rather than God. The Lord reminds them of His immutable character of holiness and justice balanced perfectly with love and mercy.
James, the head of the New Testament church in Jerusalem remind believers of the goodness and unchangeableness of God to those who have embraced Christ when he said, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17
Today, we have built our lives upon an unchanging foundation; Christ Jesus…1 Corinthians 3:11. Many things change and it seems the maxim “the only constant is change” is sometimes true but may we remember that up above the foggy chaos which we call life, there is One who does not change and when we anchor our hope to and in that One…we will safely make it home.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
I have come to realize that sometimes inspiration for my weekly note of encouragement comes from the view from my office desk at home. As I have contemplated this a bit, I realize it is a bit of a metaphor from which we can possibly learn. Some of the things which I see and even take for granted are always in their place and seemingly never changing. These would include the window, the houses across the street, the sound of the pond fountain flowing just outside and even the trees and bushes. And yet all of those things are seemingly affected by the other things both seen and unseen which are ever changing. These might include the color of the trees which shifts from blossoms to leaves and then to changing colors of leaves before giving way to trunk and branches alone. From my warm desk perch it also seems obvious that the temperature varies not only seasonally but daily and sometimes hourly. Finally, the sky above it all which today is gray and foreboding as it has been the past few days is somedays miraculously blue and sun filled.
I write all of this in an attempt to point out how we are all often tied to the changing things which surround us rather than those which are unchanging. I find my mood more upbeat and encouraged on the sunny days and a bit less so on the overcast days as do many Seattleites.
I am reminded of years ago in a different location where during the winters there were many foggy days. One day in frustration, I climbed in the car and drove about 20 miles into the mountains and I specifically remember turning a corner and pulling into a turnout to admire the view which in the bright sunshine looked down on the billows of fog which covered the valley below. At that moment, the Holy Spirit seemed to speak to my heart saying, “And just like this…I am still above the circumstances which seem to cloud your view of me and the warmth of my love.”
So today, on this “winter break” in our short and much needed summer time, may we all remember the things which never change. Circumstances and situations come and go just like leaves on the trees during the changing seasons. Yet our faith in the Lord is rooted and grounded in His love for us and is unchangeable. Consider these scriptures which are true both beneath and above the overcast and fogged in lives in which we sometimes find ourselves.
“ For I am the Lord, I change not; Therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6 In this case Israel has allowed their circumstances to shift their behavior away from the covenant and selfishly to themselves rather than God. The Lord reminds them of His immutable character of holiness and justice balanced perfectly with love and mercy.
James, the head of the New Testament church in Jerusalem remind believers of the goodness and unchangeableness of God to those who have embraced Christ when he said, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17
Today, we have built our lives upon an unchanging foundation; Christ Jesus…1 Corinthians 3:11. Many things change and it seems the maxim “the only constant is change” is sometimes true but may we remember that up above the foggy chaos which we call life, there is One who does not change and when we anchor our hope to and in that One…we will safely make it home.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor