Uplook - March 3, 2023
Dear Seattle Saints,
We have spent most of the past five days in Portland, OR at the Apostolic Faith Church Headquarters for what is known as “Tabernacle Meetings”. This annual series of church services and ministerial training sessions have been referred to over the years by several names including “Midwinter Meetings” and just “Portland Special Meetings”. The shift several years ago to “Tabernacle Meetings” reflects the week long shift of Portland services to the Tabernacle which is located on the church campground. This is the same location where our annual Camp meeting Convention services are held. It was constructed 102 years ago so holds many memories for those who have served the Lord over the years and enjoyed worshipping and praying in that building.
We were blessed by a sermon from a pastor from Lagos, Nigeria about a “willing receiver” and a “willing giver” making contact with the result of a miraculous healing. Our Richmond, Californa pastor spoke of Jesus’ words and work on the Cross which concluded with “It is Finished”. A great price was paid and we now have access into God’s presence. A pastor from near Boston spoke of our identity and purpose being found only in God through his son Jesus. Last evening Bro. Wayne Butler …the new pastor in our neighboring church of Port Angeles preached that as believers we are “More than Conquerors” through Christ. Not only can we have victory in this present world but also clear sailing into glory at the soon return of the Lord. I joined a number of ministers in a Friday morning training session followed by a luncheon. It was a good time to gather together not only for training but for fellowship.
On the more practical side of things…soon after our arrival and unloading into our trailer…we noticed a leak. Not good news at all but thankfully we caught it in time to dry out the carpet and also had a sunny day on Wednesday and I was able to seal the leak before any long term damage occurred. I even had enough of the “roof seal” from last summer on hand to complete the job without a trip to the hardware store. God is good. I am so often amazed at God’s timing. I know I shouldn’t be amazed…but I am thankful that even in the midst of difficulty and problems it seems He is always there and has a plan.
We are looking forward to being in service again with you all tomorrow, Lord willing.
Housekeeping thoughts:
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
We have spent most of the past five days in Portland, OR at the Apostolic Faith Church Headquarters for what is known as “Tabernacle Meetings”. This annual series of church services and ministerial training sessions have been referred to over the years by several names including “Midwinter Meetings” and just “Portland Special Meetings”. The shift several years ago to “Tabernacle Meetings” reflects the week long shift of Portland services to the Tabernacle which is located on the church campground. This is the same location where our annual Camp meeting Convention services are held. It was constructed 102 years ago so holds many memories for those who have served the Lord over the years and enjoyed worshipping and praying in that building.
We were blessed by a sermon from a pastor from Lagos, Nigeria about a “willing receiver” and a “willing giver” making contact with the result of a miraculous healing. Our Richmond, Californa pastor spoke of Jesus’ words and work on the Cross which concluded with “It is Finished”. A great price was paid and we now have access into God’s presence. A pastor from near Boston spoke of our identity and purpose being found only in God through his son Jesus. Last evening Bro. Wayne Butler …the new pastor in our neighboring church of Port Angeles preached that as believers we are “More than Conquerors” through Christ. Not only can we have victory in this present world but also clear sailing into glory at the soon return of the Lord. I joined a number of ministers in a Friday morning training session followed by a luncheon. It was a good time to gather together not only for training but for fellowship.
On the more practical side of things…soon after our arrival and unloading into our trailer…we noticed a leak. Not good news at all but thankfully we caught it in time to dry out the carpet and also had a sunny day on Wednesday and I was able to seal the leak before any long term damage occurred. I even had enough of the “roof seal” from last summer on hand to complete the job without a trip to the hardware store. God is good. I am so often amazed at God’s timing. I know I shouldn’t be amazed…but I am thankful that even in the midst of difficulty and problems it seems He is always there and has a plan.
We are looking forward to being in service again with you all tomorrow, Lord willing.
Housekeeping thoughts:
- Love@Easter …please put your clothing donations in the blue bin in the narthex.
- Choir practice …3:45 pm tomorrow
- Youth Retreat applications are due by March 20. See Bro. Alex for details. Also…50% scholarship available by attending work day at church on Saturday April 1 from 9am – 1 pm.
- Men’s Fellowship Breakfast ….the correct date for the prayer/fellowship breakfast is March 11 (not March 8 as I erroneously typed last week). Please sign up in the church narthex.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor