Uplook - November 2, 2024
Happy November,
I am struck this morning by a couple of thoughts. The first is the ancient Christian celebration called All Saints Day which was traditionally celebrated on November 1st. While we don’t formally celebrate this day which was established first in about 600 AD by a Catholic pope, the idea of honoring Christians who have given their lives for the faith and are now with the Lord is certainly a noble one. In the 1500’s John Foxe produced a Protestant history of Christian witnesses who were martyred for their faith. I have a copy of this book on my shelf which is copyrighted in 1926 and was given to me by an older saint in the first church I was privileged to pastor. (Charles Dameron by name). Bro. Dameron’s funeral was my first as a pastor and he lived for the Lord until in his mid 80’s. I am overwhelmed by the thought of those who gave so much for the Lord and for their faith. Everyone bears life’s burdens and as Christians we certainly do not bear them alone. We also join a great company of witnesses who have by God’s grace lived overcoming transformed lives and have now entered into glory. As we honor those who have gone before us may we be inspired to join their ranks in faithfulness and sacrifice.
The second thought was that today in this part of the world (technically tomorrow at 2 am) we are called to set our clocks back one hour for daylight savings time. It reminds me of a Biblical account in Joshua chapter 10. The Israelites have responded to a call from their new allies in Gibeah that a consortium of area kings have attacked. God promises deliverance to Joshua and the battle is intense and fierce including the divine intervention of God via weather (giant hailstones which slay the attacking armies) and in order to finish the task God has given him, Joshua commands (prays) for the sun/moon to stand still. Scripture declares that that day was extended another whole day so they could accomplish the victory. I’m not suggesting we should pray for the sun to stand still today at all but I’ve been wondering what we could accomplish for God’s kingdom with the “extra” hour we will received today. Could we write an encouraging email or text to someone discouraged? Could we spend some of that time in prayer? For ourselves, our family, for our church, and our world? Could we add some extra study in preparation for tomorrows Sunday school lesson. Maybe we could use the hour to prepare a meal for someone who cannot do it for themselves. I suspect the Lord could help us to “redeem the time” in many creative ways. May we all do just that …and remember to set our clocks back as well.
Housekeeping details
Choir practice at 3:15pm tomorrow.
Ordinance (Lord’s Supper/Washing of Disciples Feet tomorrow evening.
Port Angeles Special Meetings next weekend
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
I am struck this morning by a couple of thoughts. The first is the ancient Christian celebration called All Saints Day which was traditionally celebrated on November 1st. While we don’t formally celebrate this day which was established first in about 600 AD by a Catholic pope, the idea of honoring Christians who have given their lives for the faith and are now with the Lord is certainly a noble one. In the 1500’s John Foxe produced a Protestant history of Christian witnesses who were martyred for their faith. I have a copy of this book on my shelf which is copyrighted in 1926 and was given to me by an older saint in the first church I was privileged to pastor. (Charles Dameron by name). Bro. Dameron’s funeral was my first as a pastor and he lived for the Lord until in his mid 80’s. I am overwhelmed by the thought of those who gave so much for the Lord and for their faith. Everyone bears life’s burdens and as Christians we certainly do not bear them alone. We also join a great company of witnesses who have by God’s grace lived overcoming transformed lives and have now entered into glory. As we honor those who have gone before us may we be inspired to join their ranks in faithfulness and sacrifice.
The second thought was that today in this part of the world (technically tomorrow at 2 am) we are called to set our clocks back one hour for daylight savings time. It reminds me of a Biblical account in Joshua chapter 10. The Israelites have responded to a call from their new allies in Gibeah that a consortium of area kings have attacked. God promises deliverance to Joshua and the battle is intense and fierce including the divine intervention of God via weather (giant hailstones which slay the attacking armies) and in order to finish the task God has given him, Joshua commands (prays) for the sun/moon to stand still. Scripture declares that that day was extended another whole day so they could accomplish the victory. I’m not suggesting we should pray for the sun to stand still today at all but I’ve been wondering what we could accomplish for God’s kingdom with the “extra” hour we will received today. Could we write an encouraging email or text to someone discouraged? Could we spend some of that time in prayer? For ourselves, our family, for our church, and our world? Could we add some extra study in preparation for tomorrows Sunday school lesson. Maybe we could use the hour to prepare a meal for someone who cannot do it for themselves. I suspect the Lord could help us to “redeem the time” in many creative ways. May we all do just that …and remember to set our clocks back as well.
Housekeeping details
Choir practice at 3:15pm tomorrow.
Ordinance (Lord’s Supper/Washing of Disciples Feet tomorrow evening.
Port Angeles Special Meetings next weekend
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor