Uplook - June 10, 2023
Happy Saturday morning,
I’m writing a little earlier than usual in an attempt let everyone know that due to inclement weather we have found it necessary to cancel the Youth Camp fundraising car wash scheduled for today. We are hopeful to be able to reschedule one of the two Saturdays between Camp meeting and Youth camp if possible. Youth camp is important for the spiritual development of our young people grades 4-12 and we do try to do all we can to help make it a bit more affordable. At $260 per camper (discounted from $285) the cost can seem daunting, especially for those with multiple children attending so we will do our best to reschedule. Also, if any of you feel led to help offset the costs of our young people going to camp, we will make sure any donated funds go to help those with the most need.
Also, a reminder that Portland Camp meeting begins two weeks from tomorrow (June 25 and runs through July 9). If you are able to attend please remember to register online. In Seattle, our final day of services before camp meeting will be Father’s Day – Sunday, June 18. Services will be recessed for the two weeks of camp (three Sundays and Wednesday Bible studies including those before and after. (including online/streamed services from our website/YouTube channel) so all who want can attend in person or online at apostolicfaith.org. Services will resume in Seattle on Sunday, July 16 with our regular schedule of services (9:45 am Sunday School, 11 am Morning Worship, 5 pm Evening Service, 7 pm Wednesday Bible Study).
We have learned this week that there will be a private/family funeral/memorial service for Sis. Louise Fisher at Tahoma National Cemetery on Thursday morning June 15. I have been asked to officiate so would appreciate your prayers as well as prayer for Sis. Louise’s family in their loss. It is our plan to schedule a Sunday evening following camp meeting during which we will honor Sis. Louise by sharing stories/testimonies of her influence and impact on our Seattle congregation through the years. She was nearly 94 years old and was the only remaining member from those present when the Seattle congregation was formed in late 1955/early 1956. Her heart and prayers will surly be missed by all.
And finally, remember that tomorrow after morning service we will celebrate those who have graduated this year (and the past several when we were unable to celebrate due to the pandemic). They include 4 from High School, two with Bachelor's Degrees, and one with a Master's Degree. God bless each of you for your efforts. May you use what you have learned to glorify the Lord in the days and years to come. Food is being provided by the church for this event so be sure to join us if you are able.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
I’m writing a little earlier than usual in an attempt let everyone know that due to inclement weather we have found it necessary to cancel the Youth Camp fundraising car wash scheduled for today. We are hopeful to be able to reschedule one of the two Saturdays between Camp meeting and Youth camp if possible. Youth camp is important for the spiritual development of our young people grades 4-12 and we do try to do all we can to help make it a bit more affordable. At $260 per camper (discounted from $285) the cost can seem daunting, especially for those with multiple children attending so we will do our best to reschedule. Also, if any of you feel led to help offset the costs of our young people going to camp, we will make sure any donated funds go to help those with the most need.
Also, a reminder that Portland Camp meeting begins two weeks from tomorrow (June 25 and runs through July 9). If you are able to attend please remember to register online. In Seattle, our final day of services before camp meeting will be Father’s Day – Sunday, June 18. Services will be recessed for the two weeks of camp (three Sundays and Wednesday Bible studies including those before and after. (including online/streamed services from our website/YouTube channel) so all who want can attend in person or online at apostolicfaith.org. Services will resume in Seattle on Sunday, July 16 with our regular schedule of services (9:45 am Sunday School, 11 am Morning Worship, 5 pm Evening Service, 7 pm Wednesday Bible Study).
We have learned this week that there will be a private/family funeral/memorial service for Sis. Louise Fisher at Tahoma National Cemetery on Thursday morning June 15. I have been asked to officiate so would appreciate your prayers as well as prayer for Sis. Louise’s family in their loss. It is our plan to schedule a Sunday evening following camp meeting during which we will honor Sis. Louise by sharing stories/testimonies of her influence and impact on our Seattle congregation through the years. She was nearly 94 years old and was the only remaining member from those present when the Seattle congregation was formed in late 1955/early 1956. Her heart and prayers will surly be missed by all.
And finally, remember that tomorrow after morning service we will celebrate those who have graduated this year (and the past several when we were unable to celebrate due to the pandemic). They include 4 from High School, two with Bachelor's Degrees, and one with a Master's Degree. God bless each of you for your efforts. May you use what you have learned to glorify the Lord in the days and years to come. Food is being provided by the church for this event so be sure to join us if you are able.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor