Uplook - October 14, 2023
Greetings from Kawasaki Japan,
It is Saturday afternoon here and we have just returned from the wedding of Bro. Yoshiki and Sis. Rei Ohno. There were about 60 in attendance including us and our Director of Korean Work, Bro. Kim Jeong Min and his wife. The ceremony was beautiful, emphasizing the nature of Christian marriage and the sacred nature of vows made before not only friends and family but also before the Almighty Creator of the universe. Marriage was intended to be a life long commitment between a man and woman which is reflective of the commitment Jesus has made to Christian believers (the Church) by the sacrificial giving of his own life.
The Apostle Paul spoke in Ephesians 5 about the duties of husbands and wives. The Apostle Peter spoke similarly in 1 Peter 3 about such topics as submission, honor, understanding, commitment to stay together, and our inclusion in God’s great plan of salvation as “join-heirs”. May each of us who are married, strive by God’s grace to keep the sacred marriage vows we made and may those who have yet to marry purpose to do so with God’s direction and blessing. This is important not only in finding the “right” marriage partner, but in becoming the “right” marriage partner both before and after we are actually married.
And for those whom the topic of marriage brings pain for whatever reason, may we remember that Jesus has always been faithful to His bride…never deserting or mistreating. His invitation into an intimate relationship is offered to all, and not just a select few who have enough beauty or money or talent. He loves all and to those who will respond, he offers peace and contentment which far surpasses any earthly relationship.
In whatever state we find ourselves today, may we rejoice in the joy of our brother and sister Ohno and may we rejoice in the promised joy of attending “the Marriage Supper of the Lamb” with Jesus and the saints some day.
I will be preaching in the Sunday morning service tomorrow here in Kawasaki and then after dinner we will head to the airport for our return flight to Seattle. Pray for our safe travels and we plan to see you all again on Wednesday evening, Lord willing
Housekeeping reminders:
Wedding Reception. Wednesday, October 18 at 7 pm we will hold a small wedding reception for the Ohno’s who will be in Seattle for their honeymoon.
Ladies Donut Morning. Saturday, October 21 at 8:30 am the ladies are invited to a time of fellowship, food, and short devotional. Please make sure you sign up on Sunday.
Phone/Contact lists. New contact lists are now available. See one of the ushers for a paper copy or email/text me and I will be happy to email you a file with the information. Remember … all information is to be kept confidential and only used for church purposes.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
It is Saturday afternoon here and we have just returned from the wedding of Bro. Yoshiki and Sis. Rei Ohno. There were about 60 in attendance including us and our Director of Korean Work, Bro. Kim Jeong Min and his wife. The ceremony was beautiful, emphasizing the nature of Christian marriage and the sacred nature of vows made before not only friends and family but also before the Almighty Creator of the universe. Marriage was intended to be a life long commitment between a man and woman which is reflective of the commitment Jesus has made to Christian believers (the Church) by the sacrificial giving of his own life.
The Apostle Paul spoke in Ephesians 5 about the duties of husbands and wives. The Apostle Peter spoke similarly in 1 Peter 3 about such topics as submission, honor, understanding, commitment to stay together, and our inclusion in God’s great plan of salvation as “join-heirs”. May each of us who are married, strive by God’s grace to keep the sacred marriage vows we made and may those who have yet to marry purpose to do so with God’s direction and blessing. This is important not only in finding the “right” marriage partner, but in becoming the “right” marriage partner both before and after we are actually married.
And for those whom the topic of marriage brings pain for whatever reason, may we remember that Jesus has always been faithful to His bride…never deserting or mistreating. His invitation into an intimate relationship is offered to all, and not just a select few who have enough beauty or money or talent. He loves all and to those who will respond, he offers peace and contentment which far surpasses any earthly relationship.
In whatever state we find ourselves today, may we rejoice in the joy of our brother and sister Ohno and may we rejoice in the promised joy of attending “the Marriage Supper of the Lamb” with Jesus and the saints some day.
I will be preaching in the Sunday morning service tomorrow here in Kawasaki and then after dinner we will head to the airport for our return flight to Seattle. Pray for our safe travels and we plan to see you all again on Wednesday evening, Lord willing
Housekeeping reminders:
Wedding Reception. Wednesday, October 18 at 7 pm we will hold a small wedding reception for the Ohno’s who will be in Seattle for their honeymoon.
Ladies Donut Morning. Saturday, October 21 at 8:30 am the ladies are invited to a time of fellowship, food, and short devotional. Please make sure you sign up on Sunday.
Phone/Contact lists. New contact lists are now available. See one of the ushers for a paper copy or email/text me and I will be happy to email you a file with the information. Remember … all information is to be kept confidential and only used for church purposes.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor