Uplook - March 24, 2024
Happy Palm Sunday,
The weekly uplook for this week is coming to you a day later than usual because Lori and I are on vacation with family for most of this week.
Today we celebrate Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem where he was lauded and praised as the Jewish messiah. His route down through the Kidron Valley from the Mt. of Olives riding on a donkey and then entering the city through the eastern gate fulfills many prophecies. The crowd shouting hosanna (literally - save us) was again prophetic of the mission Jesus was sent from his Heavenly Father to accomplish for all of humanity.
Another interesting fact about today…is that in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ day, today was “lamb selection day” - the day in which the Passover lamb was selected by each family for the celebration that came later in the week. It is ironic that on the first Palm Sunday, the Father in heaven acknowledged His selection of Jesus as the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world. It is also not lost on us that perhaps many in the crowd that day were also present just a few days later and shouted something quite different (crucify him), but for today may we all rejoice in the reality that Jesus was indeed the messiah and did come to provide the way of salvation for each of us.
And don’t miss our choir program which will be presented next Sunday on Easter morning. it will be a blessing as we celebrate the risen Savior. God bless you all.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
The weekly uplook for this week is coming to you a day later than usual because Lori and I are on vacation with family for most of this week.
Today we celebrate Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem where he was lauded and praised as the Jewish messiah. His route down through the Kidron Valley from the Mt. of Olives riding on a donkey and then entering the city through the eastern gate fulfills many prophecies. The crowd shouting hosanna (literally - save us) was again prophetic of the mission Jesus was sent from his Heavenly Father to accomplish for all of humanity.
Another interesting fact about today…is that in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ day, today was “lamb selection day” - the day in which the Passover lamb was selected by each family for the celebration that came later in the week. It is ironic that on the first Palm Sunday, the Father in heaven acknowledged His selection of Jesus as the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world. It is also not lost on us that perhaps many in the crowd that day were also present just a few days later and shouted something quite different (crucify him), but for today may we all rejoice in the reality that Jesus was indeed the messiah and did come to provide the way of salvation for each of us.
And don’t miss our choir program which will be presented next Sunday on Easter morning. it will be a blessing as we celebrate the risen Savior. God bless you all.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor