Uplook - February 4, 2023
Happy February,
It is the shortest month of the year and also one of my favorite. It is one of my favorite because during February is Valentine’s Day, my wife’s birthday, as well as the birthdays of my only sister, and my now deceased father and grandmother. In my growing up years, after the month of December, February was the month of celebrations/parties. Sometimes people unfamiliar with Christianity have an unfounded impression that we do not know how to celebrate. I would contend that this impression is the exact opposite of the truth. Now, it is true that Christians are called to moderation and moderate living. We are called to “put off” the worldly excesses which are often associated with celebration and partying. But we are certainly not called to be long faced and sullen in the midst of all the good things God has done for us. We are able to celebrate with clear consciences, hearts full of joy and peace, rejoicing in the goodness of God to us and those around us.
Consider several Biblical scenarios which give us a sense of celebration. Jesus tells the story in Luke 15 of a wayward child who has returned home to a loving family. The father has anxiously awaited this day for a long time and when it finally arrives he “pulls out all the stops”. That’s a musical metaphor…of a pipe organ with all of the “stops” opened offering a majestically full and powerful sound from the instrument. This family prepares the best meal reserved for honored guests, gathers friends/family for musical festivities and rejoicing, clothes the child with his best robe, and restores him to full familial status and authority. It doesn’t seem like a muted celebration at all. Luke 5 records Matthew (Levi) holding a celebratory feast presumably to honor Jesus after responding to his call, this big feast/celebration at his home was attended by Jesus and his disciples (much to the chagrin of the scribes and Pharisees).
And finally, we find throughout scripture the celebration which naturally flow out of weddings. Jesus attended one in Cana of Galilee and it was there he performed his first miracle. Matthew 22 records Jesus’ parable about God’s kingdom being like a king who held a celebration for his son’s wedding. Many were invited, but not all availed themselves of the opportunity to rejoice and celebrate with the king over the marriage of His son. As Christians our hearts should beat just a little faster at this parable as we understand we also have been “invited” to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Jesus). It will be a great celebration to be held with the Lord himself serving his Bride (the church) in the air while unbelievers suffer through the Great Tribulation here on earth.
I don’t know about you…but I cannot help trying to imagine just what it will be like…to be gathered together with the Lord, away from the brokenness of the world and free to celebrate as we were intended as humans to celebrate. On that day, God the Father will no doubt “pull out all the stops”. We don’t want to miss it. In the meantime…maybe you can catch a little glimpse of the groom before the supper, or get a little taste of the wedding cake, or perhaps hear a strain of the amazing music that will no doubt fill the air on that day. The invitation has been given and the anticipation is growing every day. Don’t miss it.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
It is the shortest month of the year and also one of my favorite. It is one of my favorite because during February is Valentine’s Day, my wife’s birthday, as well as the birthdays of my only sister, and my now deceased father and grandmother. In my growing up years, after the month of December, February was the month of celebrations/parties. Sometimes people unfamiliar with Christianity have an unfounded impression that we do not know how to celebrate. I would contend that this impression is the exact opposite of the truth. Now, it is true that Christians are called to moderation and moderate living. We are called to “put off” the worldly excesses which are often associated with celebration and partying. But we are certainly not called to be long faced and sullen in the midst of all the good things God has done for us. We are able to celebrate with clear consciences, hearts full of joy and peace, rejoicing in the goodness of God to us and those around us.
Consider several Biblical scenarios which give us a sense of celebration. Jesus tells the story in Luke 15 of a wayward child who has returned home to a loving family. The father has anxiously awaited this day for a long time and when it finally arrives he “pulls out all the stops”. That’s a musical metaphor…of a pipe organ with all of the “stops” opened offering a majestically full and powerful sound from the instrument. This family prepares the best meal reserved for honored guests, gathers friends/family for musical festivities and rejoicing, clothes the child with his best robe, and restores him to full familial status and authority. It doesn’t seem like a muted celebration at all. Luke 5 records Matthew (Levi) holding a celebratory feast presumably to honor Jesus after responding to his call, this big feast/celebration at his home was attended by Jesus and his disciples (much to the chagrin of the scribes and Pharisees).
And finally, we find throughout scripture the celebration which naturally flow out of weddings. Jesus attended one in Cana of Galilee and it was there he performed his first miracle. Matthew 22 records Jesus’ parable about God’s kingdom being like a king who held a celebration for his son’s wedding. Many were invited, but not all availed themselves of the opportunity to rejoice and celebrate with the king over the marriage of His son. As Christians our hearts should beat just a little faster at this parable as we understand we also have been “invited” to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Jesus). It will be a great celebration to be held with the Lord himself serving his Bride (the church) in the air while unbelievers suffer through the Great Tribulation here on earth.
I don’t know about you…but I cannot help trying to imagine just what it will be like…to be gathered together with the Lord, away from the brokenness of the world and free to celebrate as we were intended as humans to celebrate. On that day, God the Father will no doubt “pull out all the stops”. We don’t want to miss it. In the meantime…maybe you can catch a little glimpse of the groom before the supper, or get a little taste of the wedding cake, or perhaps hear a strain of the amazing music that will no doubt fill the air on that day. The invitation has been given and the anticipation is growing every day. Don’t miss it.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor