Uplook - April 15, 2023
Happy Saturday,
Lori and I took our youngest granddaughter for a walk yesterday afternoon in her stroller. Along the way we pointed out the various beautiful flowers which were blooming along our route. Yellow and while Daffodils, pink and yellow Tulips, purple and white Hyacinths, white Snowdrops, and even yellow Dandelions. Added to these were the various trees which were also in bloom including pear, ornamental plum, and others in colors ranging from white and yellow to bright pink. Our granddaughter was delighted at the variety and beauty. I made me consider once again the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount when he said:
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:28–29
All scripture has a context and Jesus had just reminded those listening they could not serve two masters (God and wealth) for one would surely have preeminence over the other. He then spoke about the natural human tendency to worry about physical provisions for life. I think we all are caught up in that snare from time to time, forgetting that while we are called to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us and we are to use wisdom and care in such matters, but ultimately we are to serve and glorify God and He is the one who is charged with our provision and care. We are his “covenant people” just as ancient Israel was and as such we can trust Him.
The flowers do not work…they simply bloom where they are planted…some in perfectly cared for beds or pots and others poking out between the rocks or cracks in the sidewalk. And wherever they are planted and bloom they give God glory by their very presence and beauty. Consider that you also are called to bloom where you are planted…at school, at home, or at work. In your youth or your old age or somewhere in between. When there is plenty of blessings (water, sun, fertilizer) and when there are trials (dry, concrete cracks, and cloudy), most of over which we have no control, we are to bloom for God’s glory. May the Lord help us to understand that in blooming there is promise of new life and fruit to come. May we lay aside any undue anxiety about our future and do our best to be faithful stewards knowing that the results of the harvest are God’s alone.
Housekeeping Thoughts
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Lori and I took our youngest granddaughter for a walk yesterday afternoon in her stroller. Along the way we pointed out the various beautiful flowers which were blooming along our route. Yellow and while Daffodils, pink and yellow Tulips, purple and white Hyacinths, white Snowdrops, and even yellow Dandelions. Added to these were the various trees which were also in bloom including pear, ornamental plum, and others in colors ranging from white and yellow to bright pink. Our granddaughter was delighted at the variety and beauty. I made me consider once again the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount when he said:
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:28–29
All scripture has a context and Jesus had just reminded those listening they could not serve two masters (God and wealth) for one would surely have preeminence over the other. He then spoke about the natural human tendency to worry about physical provisions for life. I think we all are caught up in that snare from time to time, forgetting that while we are called to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us and we are to use wisdom and care in such matters, but ultimately we are to serve and glorify God and He is the one who is charged with our provision and care. We are his “covenant people” just as ancient Israel was and as such we can trust Him.
The flowers do not work…they simply bloom where they are planted…some in perfectly cared for beds or pots and others poking out between the rocks or cracks in the sidewalk. And wherever they are planted and bloom they give God glory by their very presence and beauty. Consider that you also are called to bloom where you are planted…at school, at home, or at work. In your youth or your old age or somewhere in between. When there is plenty of blessings (water, sun, fertilizer) and when there are trials (dry, concrete cracks, and cloudy), most of over which we have no control, we are to bloom for God’s glory. May the Lord help us to understand that in blooming there is promise of new life and fruit to come. May we lay aside any undue anxiety about our future and do our best to be faithful stewards knowing that the results of the harvest are God’s alone.
Housekeeping Thoughts
- NW Youth Retreat - Continue to pray for the young people who are attending the Northwest Youth Retreat this weekend from our congregation and elsewhere. Pray for their safe travels and spiritual growth and enrichment throughout the weekend.
- Children’s Bulletin - Pray also for our younger children. We will be resuming “Children’s Bulletin” tomorrow in morning service. It is a short (5 minute) sharing of Gospel truth to the kids which us adults get to listen in on. These precious children are loved by God, by us, and are the future of our congregation. Pray for those who coordinate, present, and participate.
- Church Dinner – An all church dinner is planned for Sunday afternoon April 30 after morning service. We will be celebrating the marriage of our Bro. Devendra and Sis. Janeth Chavan-Moran. They were married during the pandemic in a very small wedding at the Japanese garden at University of Washington and then had a reception a year later in Southern California where Sis. Janeth’s family lives. We also want to celebrate this wonderful event as well. More details next week.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor