Uplook - January 20, 2024
Dear Seattle Saints,
Warm greetings on Saturday afternoon. I am happy to report that Lori is recovering well from her foot surgery and had stiches removed this week. She is still limited in the time she can spend on her foot and required to wear a special boot when walking, but we thank God the pain has diminished. During this time of her recovery I have learned afresh to appreciate the many things she does to make our lives thrive and my responsibilities easier. I have been reminded that there is a difference between “helping” with the things which need to be done and “being responsible” for those things. In my former career as a banker, we had a consultant who was always asking “Who has the BIG ‘R’ in this situation?” He was talking about the person whose responsibility it was for the success (or failure) of a particular program or system or project. The “Big ‘R’” around the house has fallen to me for the first month of this year…cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. Reflecting a bit, variations of this scenario have happened through the years with the birth of children, sickness, travel, etc. and I am reminded of the goodness of the Lord to both of us, especially to me in having such a good “partner and helper” in life and faith. Thank you for your prayers for us.
This thought about the “Big ‘R’” reminds me of the human tendency (because of sin) to reject responsibility, particularly for bad or difficult situations. This was the response of Adam when confronted by God in the garden asking “Where art thou?” Of course, God knew the exact location of the man and woman as well as their now “fallen” condition brought on by their collective disobedience. I suppose arguments could be made about who was to blame and Adam and Eve both made them…trying to avoid the “Big ‘R’”. Adam blaming Eve and then Eve blaming the serpent. In the end, each bore responsibility for their own disobedience and the consequences were quite severe in that they were separated from the paradise God created for them and access to the Tree of Life which was in the garden. In this sad beginning there is cause for rejoicing however because the God of the Universe took initiative with the “Big ‘R’”, slaying animals and making coverings for their now twisted exposure and promising that the serpent’s dominance would be overcome by the offspring of Eve. (Genesis 3:15) We know this plan was set in motion by God before world was created (Revelation 13:8) and in taking responsibility for sending Christ as the Savior of humanity, God embraced the “Big ‘R’”.
Now it is incumbent upon each of us as human beings to also take responsibility. While all humanity was thrust into sin by the initial choices in the Garden of Eden leaving us with a sin nature, it is not long before we become sinners by choice, thought, and action. May God help each of us to embrace the “Big ‘R’” for our own sins and cry out to the great God of mercy and grace who sent Jesus to die in our place so that we could live lives transformed and reflective of His righteousness. And even after receiving salvation and deliverance may we be quick to take the “Big ‘R’” for our own human weaknesses, challenges, and problems rather than blaming them on others. We believe the same God who sent Jesus is also directly available to us. The writer of Hebrews put it this way:
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
In this new year may we not only take responsibility as God intended, but may we also come boldly to the One who also took responsibility to provide a way for mercy, grace, and help in time of need.
Housekeeping items:
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Warm greetings on Saturday afternoon. I am happy to report that Lori is recovering well from her foot surgery and had stiches removed this week. She is still limited in the time she can spend on her foot and required to wear a special boot when walking, but we thank God the pain has diminished. During this time of her recovery I have learned afresh to appreciate the many things she does to make our lives thrive and my responsibilities easier. I have been reminded that there is a difference between “helping” with the things which need to be done and “being responsible” for those things. In my former career as a banker, we had a consultant who was always asking “Who has the BIG ‘R’ in this situation?” He was talking about the person whose responsibility it was for the success (or failure) of a particular program or system or project. The “Big ‘R’” around the house has fallen to me for the first month of this year…cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. Reflecting a bit, variations of this scenario have happened through the years with the birth of children, sickness, travel, etc. and I am reminded of the goodness of the Lord to both of us, especially to me in having such a good “partner and helper” in life and faith. Thank you for your prayers for us.
This thought about the “Big ‘R’” reminds me of the human tendency (because of sin) to reject responsibility, particularly for bad or difficult situations. This was the response of Adam when confronted by God in the garden asking “Where art thou?” Of course, God knew the exact location of the man and woman as well as their now “fallen” condition brought on by their collective disobedience. I suppose arguments could be made about who was to blame and Adam and Eve both made them…trying to avoid the “Big ‘R’”. Adam blaming Eve and then Eve blaming the serpent. In the end, each bore responsibility for their own disobedience and the consequences were quite severe in that they were separated from the paradise God created for them and access to the Tree of Life which was in the garden. In this sad beginning there is cause for rejoicing however because the God of the Universe took initiative with the “Big ‘R’”, slaying animals and making coverings for their now twisted exposure and promising that the serpent’s dominance would be overcome by the offspring of Eve. (Genesis 3:15) We know this plan was set in motion by God before world was created (Revelation 13:8) and in taking responsibility for sending Christ as the Savior of humanity, God embraced the “Big ‘R’”.
Now it is incumbent upon each of us as human beings to also take responsibility. While all humanity was thrust into sin by the initial choices in the Garden of Eden leaving us with a sin nature, it is not long before we become sinners by choice, thought, and action. May God help each of us to embrace the “Big ‘R’” for our own sins and cry out to the great God of mercy and grace who sent Jesus to die in our place so that we could live lives transformed and reflective of His righteousness. And even after receiving salvation and deliverance may we be quick to take the “Big ‘R’” for our own human weaknesses, challenges, and problems rather than blaming them on others. We believe the same God who sent Jesus is also directly available to us. The writer of Hebrews put it this way:
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
In this new year may we not only take responsibility as God intended, but may we also come boldly to the One who also took responsibility to provide a way for mercy, grace, and help in time of need.
Housekeeping items:
- Church Access: The good news is that the new front door was delivered yesterday afternoon. The bad news is that is will not be installed until early next week. It is a metal reinforced door and jam and should preclude someone breaking in as they did with the old door. We also have had the sanctuary window measured for replacement which should take a couple of weeks. Thanks for your patience. Please remember to leave the first 2-3 spaces in the upstairs parking lot (marked reserved) for those who will need access for this week.
- Quarterly Ordinance Service – Just a reminder that this service is planned for next Sunday night, January 28.
- Year end contribution letters were mailed last week and so if you have not received yours by mid-week, feel free to contact me directly.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor