Uplook - September 9, 2023
Good evening,
Several hundred years ago there was monk who later became known as Brother Lawrence. Actually he was the dishwasher at the Abby where he lived and also performed a number of seemingly menial tasks such as shining the shoes of all more senior monks. He died years later relatively unknown. One of his friends later compiled many of Bro. Lawrences letters, diary entries, and other notes into a book entitled, “The Practice of the Presence of God”. It has become a staple for those looking to find God in the ordinary things of life.
The fall season brings us back into the full tilt of school and work schedules. In the busyness of life It is easy for us to forget that God is just as present in the school car line as he is during morning devotions. His presence is just as near when preparing dinner in a rush before heading out to a school event as reading a book in quiet devotion. And God is very present in the challenges of the workplace or classroom just as He is during worship at church.
May I challenge you to take a brief moment during your busy days to look around for just how the Lord is present and available in your “ordinary” life. God is very present and desires to work exactly where you are. And he will do just that. It may be that like Bro. Lawrence, you will be relatively unknown during your life but you can be assured that in the light of eternity…you will be known by the One who knows you best.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
P.S. Please remember there will be no evening service tomorrow (9/10) so we can support Special meetings at our sister church in Chehalis.
Several hundred years ago there was monk who later became known as Brother Lawrence. Actually he was the dishwasher at the Abby where he lived and also performed a number of seemingly menial tasks such as shining the shoes of all more senior monks. He died years later relatively unknown. One of his friends later compiled many of Bro. Lawrences letters, diary entries, and other notes into a book entitled, “The Practice of the Presence of God”. It has become a staple for those looking to find God in the ordinary things of life.
The fall season brings us back into the full tilt of school and work schedules. In the busyness of life It is easy for us to forget that God is just as present in the school car line as he is during morning devotions. His presence is just as near when preparing dinner in a rush before heading out to a school event as reading a book in quiet devotion. And God is very present in the challenges of the workplace or classroom just as He is during worship at church.
May I challenge you to take a brief moment during your busy days to look around for just how the Lord is present and available in your “ordinary” life. God is very present and desires to work exactly where you are. And he will do just that. It may be that like Bro. Lawrence, you will be relatively unknown during your life but you can be assured that in the light of eternity…you will be known by the One who knows you best.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
P.S. Please remember there will be no evening service tomorrow (9/10) so we can support Special meetings at our sister church in Chehalis.