Uplook - October 26, 2024
Dear Saints,
First of all I would like to express my appreciation to all who prayed for, attended, and helped to make our recent special meetings weekend a blessing for many. We were blessed to hear inspiring messages from Bro. Samual Oni and Bro. John Musgrave throughout the weekend which was themed “The Jesus Way”. Bro. Sam began his Saturday night youth sermon with John 14:6 declaring Jesus words, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” On Sunday Morning, Bro. John spoke from Matthew 5 relating the progression of Jesus’ words known to us as “The Beatitudes” and how we are blessed when we follow that progression. His concluding message on Sunday evening focused upon a couple texts from Proverbs declaring “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” He emphasized that we must remember the destination matters and our lives and choices here must reflect a “way” which leads to the desired destination which is eternal life. God bless you all as we continue to live “The Jesus Way” by His grace and strength.
As we move forward into the final couple of months of 2024, I was reminded of a quote which I read sometime back. It went something like this:
“On a well-equipped ship there is an anchor as well as sails. They both serve the welfare of the sailor, the anchor ensuring his conservation, his safety, the sail provided for his progress, including his goal, his home. The anchor does not mean rest, and the sails do not mean unrest….I would hate to sail without an anchor, and certainly I cannot sail with the anchor alone. Sails and anchor are one in purpose, largely. Sails make the anchor very much needed, and the anchor makes the sails very much wanted.”
As we continue to live “The Jesus Way” may we remember that we certainly need the an anchor during the storms of life which are bound to come our way. And yet, God does not intend for us to become stuck in one place but invites us to “furl our sails”, letting gusts of His mercy and grace continue to transform us into whom God envisions us to be and to propel us toward our ultimate destination…an eternity with God. May we be well equipped with both an anchor and sails.
Housekeeping Notes:
Choir Practice resumes tomorrow at 3:15.
Next Weekend – November 3 marks the end of Daylight Savings Time and you will need to turn your clocks back one hour. We will also be holding our quarterly Ordinance service with the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples Feet on Sunday evening, November 3.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
First of all I would like to express my appreciation to all who prayed for, attended, and helped to make our recent special meetings weekend a blessing for many. We were blessed to hear inspiring messages from Bro. Samual Oni and Bro. John Musgrave throughout the weekend which was themed “The Jesus Way”. Bro. Sam began his Saturday night youth sermon with John 14:6 declaring Jesus words, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” On Sunday Morning, Bro. John spoke from Matthew 5 relating the progression of Jesus’ words known to us as “The Beatitudes” and how we are blessed when we follow that progression. His concluding message on Sunday evening focused upon a couple texts from Proverbs declaring “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” He emphasized that we must remember the destination matters and our lives and choices here must reflect a “way” which leads to the desired destination which is eternal life. God bless you all as we continue to live “The Jesus Way” by His grace and strength.
As we move forward into the final couple of months of 2024, I was reminded of a quote which I read sometime back. It went something like this:
“On a well-equipped ship there is an anchor as well as sails. They both serve the welfare of the sailor, the anchor ensuring his conservation, his safety, the sail provided for his progress, including his goal, his home. The anchor does not mean rest, and the sails do not mean unrest….I would hate to sail without an anchor, and certainly I cannot sail with the anchor alone. Sails and anchor are one in purpose, largely. Sails make the anchor very much needed, and the anchor makes the sails very much wanted.”
As we continue to live “The Jesus Way” may we remember that we certainly need the an anchor during the storms of life which are bound to come our way. And yet, God does not intend for us to become stuck in one place but invites us to “furl our sails”, letting gusts of His mercy and grace continue to transform us into whom God envisions us to be and to propel us toward our ultimate destination…an eternity with God. May we be well equipped with both an anchor and sails.
Housekeeping Notes:
Choir Practice resumes tomorrow at 3:15.
Next Weekend – November 3 marks the end of Daylight Savings Time and you will need to turn your clocks back one hour. We will also be holding our quarterly Ordinance service with the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples Feet on Sunday evening, November 3.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor