Uplook - May 25, 2024
Happy Memorial Day Weekend,
Traditionally, Memorial Day is celebrated to honor those who have given their lives in the service of their country. We often extend that to be a time of honor for all who have served in the military. The Bible talks about memorials in a number of places. Perhaps you remember the stone memorials built both on the western shore and in the midst of Jordan River. These were constructed as a means to draw the attention of succeeding generations to the great things God had done in that place for His covenant people. Just recently it was mentioned how that the patriarch Jacob literally slept with a stone pillow in a place called Luz. In that place God revealed himself in a dream/vision which we familiarly know as “Jacob’s Ladder”. It was such a significant event in his life that he renamed the place to Bethel which in Hebrew literally means “House of God”. The place itself became a memorial. There are many many other examples in scripture of places where physical memorials were erected in remembrance.
In the book of Acts we read the story of a Roman military officer whose heart God had touched. One afternoon in prayer he was met by an angel who proclaimed that his prayers had come up before God as a memorial. God certainly does not need reminding as we do but it is fascinating to me that this one man who was not technically part of the covenant people (Jews) still had such faith in God and that his prayers moved the hand of God on his behalf.
Perhaps this weekend you can think back to a place, time, or situation in which you erected a spiritual memorial. It is a good time to revisit that memorial and rejoice in God’s faithfulness to you. Or perhaps, like the Roman officer…you are seeking a deeper walk with God. Be assured that your prayers also…will come up before God as a memorial. God’s help will be dispatched on your behalf just as it was for his.
We thank the Lord for those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy today. Let us not ever take them lightly or assume they were “free”. There are many around the world still suffering and in conflict to assure what many of us enjoy. May we pray for our leaders and those who are charged with our protection and security, that they will look to God and that He will guide them by His grace.
Housekeeping Notes
Schedule – In observance of Memorial Day…we will have only Sunday School and Morning service tomorrow. There will be no evening service.
Camp Meeting – Thanks to those who have already registered for the Portland Camp Meeting. If you have not…please do so as soon as possible.
Youth Camp - Counselor signup deadline is June 9. Campers must have applications and fees turned in to their Sunday School Teacher or the Pastor by June 23. (Fundraising car wash on June 22)
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Traditionally, Memorial Day is celebrated to honor those who have given their lives in the service of their country. We often extend that to be a time of honor for all who have served in the military. The Bible talks about memorials in a number of places. Perhaps you remember the stone memorials built both on the western shore and in the midst of Jordan River. These were constructed as a means to draw the attention of succeeding generations to the great things God had done in that place for His covenant people. Just recently it was mentioned how that the patriarch Jacob literally slept with a stone pillow in a place called Luz. In that place God revealed himself in a dream/vision which we familiarly know as “Jacob’s Ladder”. It was such a significant event in his life that he renamed the place to Bethel which in Hebrew literally means “House of God”. The place itself became a memorial. There are many many other examples in scripture of places where physical memorials were erected in remembrance.
In the book of Acts we read the story of a Roman military officer whose heart God had touched. One afternoon in prayer he was met by an angel who proclaimed that his prayers had come up before God as a memorial. God certainly does not need reminding as we do but it is fascinating to me that this one man who was not technically part of the covenant people (Jews) still had such faith in God and that his prayers moved the hand of God on his behalf.
Perhaps this weekend you can think back to a place, time, or situation in which you erected a spiritual memorial. It is a good time to revisit that memorial and rejoice in God’s faithfulness to you. Or perhaps, like the Roman officer…you are seeking a deeper walk with God. Be assured that your prayers also…will come up before God as a memorial. God’s help will be dispatched on your behalf just as it was for his.
We thank the Lord for those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy today. Let us not ever take them lightly or assume they were “free”. There are many around the world still suffering and in conflict to assure what many of us enjoy. May we pray for our leaders and those who are charged with our protection and security, that they will look to God and that He will guide them by His grace.
Housekeeping Notes
Schedule – In observance of Memorial Day…we will have only Sunday School and Morning service tomorrow. There will be no evening service.
Camp Meeting – Thanks to those who have already registered for the Portland Camp Meeting. If you have not…please do so as soon as possible.
Youth Camp - Counselor signup deadline is June 9. Campers must have applications and fees turned in to their Sunday School Teacher or the Pastor by June 23. (Fundraising car wash on June 22)
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor