Uplook - June 1, 2024
Dear Saints,
Happy June to all. Today I’ve spent most of the day at my desk in sermon preparation and answering various emails and other communications. That is not an unusual Saturday for me most weeks and over the past 15 years or so has become the rhythm of life. Before that when our children were young, I tried to make sure Sunday’s messages and work were completed as much as possible by Friday so I could spend Saturday’s with my family. With Memorial Day weekend past, this is a time of transition for many with school wrapping up, summer vacations starting, and in our church tradition…preparation for camp meetings.
Yet in all of this activity may we not lose sight of the mystery of the Gospel which according to the Apostle Paul is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”. God’s plan of redemption through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of His incarnate Son sometimes seems too good to be true and certainly beyond comprehension. Poets and songwriters have spent many words in an attempt to try to grasp the love of an Infinite Creator who desires a relationship with individuals within creation. It becomes even more unfathomable when you consider those creatures (us humans) were granted free will to enter into this great opportunity and yet refused and rebelled throwing all creation into a brokenness and chaos. It would be bad enough if it was only a historic happening but the same refusal and rebellion continues in the world today. The good news is while such brokenness was never intended, it was foreseen and in love a remedy was planned through Christ.
As Christians we are not called to celebrate this brokenness as so many do in so many ways, but rather to celebrate how God takes brokenness and by His grace returns it to wholeness reflecting His divine glory. It is a bit like the working of a stained glass artist who takes small and seemingly useless broken pieces of glass and puts them together according to a new pattern and design, soldering them together with his mercy, love, and grace with the resulting “broken pieces” becoming a new and delightful window through which His glory can shine. May that be our testimony this month and every month. Here are some lyrics composed by Jonas Myrin and Joel Timothy Houston and John Newton which might help you “see” what I’m getting at.
Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)
Vs. 1 All these pieces Broken and scattered
In mercy gathered Mended and whole
Empty-handed But not forsaken
I've been set free I've been set free
Amazing grace How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost But now I am found
Was blind but now I see
Oh, I can see You now. Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes.
Laying Yourself down. Raising up the broken to life.
Vs.2 You take our failure You take our weakness
You set Your treasure In jars of clay
So take this heart Lord I'll be Your vessel
The world to see Your life in me
Take my heart Take my soul
Take my mind and I will Give my thoughts
Give my all Give my life to follow You
Take my hands Take my breath
Take my dreams and I will Lift my eyes
Lift my faith Lift my voice and worship You
Pre- Chorus
Housekeeping notes:
Portland Camp meeting: Two weeks of services scheduled June 30 through July 14. Most services are live streamed and archived. For information about registering/attending see our HQ website at apostolicfaith.org or check with the pastor. Seattle Sunday services will be recessed for three Sundays (June 30, July 7, July 14) resuming on July 21. Because of camp meetings and youth camps Wednesday Bible studies will be recessed starting June 26 through August 7 and will resume on August 14. I will attempt to continue the Uplook during this time as time and schedules permit. Tithes/offerings may continue to be mailed to the parsonage, made online, or given to the pastor in person at camp meeting during this time.
Youth Camp: Reminder that applications and fees are due to your Sunday School teacher or the pastor NO LATER than June 23.
Potluck/Graduation Celebration: We will be having a potluck lunch, short Philippine mission presentation, and graduation celebration on Sunday, June 23. This year we have three graduates from High School: Joy, Blessing, and Angelina. Join us in congratulating them and praying for God’s best as they continue to serve Him as they prepare for University. There will be no evening service on June 23.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Happy June to all. Today I’ve spent most of the day at my desk in sermon preparation and answering various emails and other communications. That is not an unusual Saturday for me most weeks and over the past 15 years or so has become the rhythm of life. Before that when our children were young, I tried to make sure Sunday’s messages and work were completed as much as possible by Friday so I could spend Saturday’s with my family. With Memorial Day weekend past, this is a time of transition for many with school wrapping up, summer vacations starting, and in our church tradition…preparation for camp meetings.
Yet in all of this activity may we not lose sight of the mystery of the Gospel which according to the Apostle Paul is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”. God’s plan of redemption through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of His incarnate Son sometimes seems too good to be true and certainly beyond comprehension. Poets and songwriters have spent many words in an attempt to try to grasp the love of an Infinite Creator who desires a relationship with individuals within creation. It becomes even more unfathomable when you consider those creatures (us humans) were granted free will to enter into this great opportunity and yet refused and rebelled throwing all creation into a brokenness and chaos. It would be bad enough if it was only a historic happening but the same refusal and rebellion continues in the world today. The good news is while such brokenness was never intended, it was foreseen and in love a remedy was planned through Christ.
As Christians we are not called to celebrate this brokenness as so many do in so many ways, but rather to celebrate how God takes brokenness and by His grace returns it to wholeness reflecting His divine glory. It is a bit like the working of a stained glass artist who takes small and seemingly useless broken pieces of glass and puts them together according to a new pattern and design, soldering them together with his mercy, love, and grace with the resulting “broken pieces” becoming a new and delightful window through which His glory can shine. May that be our testimony this month and every month. Here are some lyrics composed by Jonas Myrin and Joel Timothy Houston and John Newton which might help you “see” what I’m getting at.
Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)
Vs. 1 All these pieces Broken and scattered
In mercy gathered Mended and whole
Empty-handed But not forsaken
I've been set free I've been set free
Amazing grace How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost But now I am found
Was blind but now I see
Oh, I can see You now. Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes.
Laying Yourself down. Raising up the broken to life.
Vs.2 You take our failure You take our weakness
You set Your treasure In jars of clay
So take this heart Lord I'll be Your vessel
The world to see Your life in me
Take my heart Take my soul
Take my mind and I will Give my thoughts
Give my all Give my life to follow You
Take my hands Take my breath
Take my dreams and I will Lift my eyes
Lift my faith Lift my voice and worship You
Pre- Chorus
Housekeeping notes:
Portland Camp meeting: Two weeks of services scheduled June 30 through July 14. Most services are live streamed and archived. For information about registering/attending see our HQ website at apostolicfaith.org or check with the pastor. Seattle Sunday services will be recessed for three Sundays (June 30, July 7, July 14) resuming on July 21. Because of camp meetings and youth camps Wednesday Bible studies will be recessed starting June 26 through August 7 and will resume on August 14. I will attempt to continue the Uplook during this time as time and schedules permit. Tithes/offerings may continue to be mailed to the parsonage, made online, or given to the pastor in person at camp meeting during this time.
Youth Camp: Reminder that applications and fees are due to your Sunday School teacher or the pastor NO LATER than June 23.
Potluck/Graduation Celebration: We will be having a potluck lunch, short Philippine mission presentation, and graduation celebration on Sunday, June 23. This year we have three graduates from High School: Joy, Blessing, and Angelina. Join us in congratulating them and praying for God’s best as they continue to serve Him as they prepare for University. There will be no evening service on June 23.
God bless you all,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor