Uplook - May 13, 2023
Happy Sunny Seattle Saturday!
Days like today are often what we hope for as spring approaches. Of course, there are always different perspectives and personal tastes in weather (as well as a number of other things for that matter). I am reminded of our first pastoral assignment in the Central Valley of California. We had never before lived in a place with so much sunshine and so little rain (around 10 inches annually on average). We had about 9 months of “summer” each year with a couple of months of “winter” which was mostly a little rain and a lot of fog. Yes…I know that’s only 11 months so far. The remaining month was split between about two weeks of spring and two weeks of fall. Now that might exaggerate things a little but not much. We had an older sister in the church who had lived most of her life in northern Oregon before moving to California. She told me “actually, I prefer the rain and cold to this sun and heat”. I was amazed. Another time I entered a business office where someone was opening all the windows so they “could hear the rain”. Having been raised in Oregon it struck me quite strange and I commented “Where I come from…rain is not an event, it is a way of life.”
All of that has caused me to consider Paul’s words to the Philippian church when he said:
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Philippians 4:11
And later to Timothy when he said:
But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6
We enjoy the sunshine but also need the rain and we must learn to be content in both. We all are in a season of life and there will be other seasons as well. We all will face challenges and experience great joys but the sustaining factor in both the highs and the lows of life must be the stabilizing and comforting fact of God’s loving and continuing presence with us no matter the circumstance, season, emotion, challenge, or joy.
The writer of Hebrews said it like this:
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5
God promised Israel (Deuteronomy 31:6-8) he would never leave them or forsake them. That promise has been extended to each of us as Christian believers; those who have entered into the New Covenant through Christ. May each of our hearts embrace afresh God’s promise to always be present and near us no matter the situation or circumstances. He is faithful. God bless you all. Enjoy the sunshine and an early happy Mother’s Day to the Mother’s in our midst.
Housekeeping items:
Camp Meeting: June 25-July 9. If you plan to attend in person even for a short time, please register on our HQ website. You can access it directly or via our local website. This is important because I need to “approve” any who are staying on the church campgrounds from or under the umbrella of Seattle. This would include registering any extended family who you hope to have come as well. Also, if you have minor children please make sure they are also registered and that either a parent or guardian will be there the entire time they are at camp. (See guardian requirements/forms on the website also)
Youth Camp: July 24-29 at Mayfield Lake. We should receive registration/application information within a couple of weeks. We anticipate the cost to be just slightly above last years $260/camper. We are also discussing holding a car wash/fundraiser next month to help offset the costs.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Days like today are often what we hope for as spring approaches. Of course, there are always different perspectives and personal tastes in weather (as well as a number of other things for that matter). I am reminded of our first pastoral assignment in the Central Valley of California. We had never before lived in a place with so much sunshine and so little rain (around 10 inches annually on average). We had about 9 months of “summer” each year with a couple of months of “winter” which was mostly a little rain and a lot of fog. Yes…I know that’s only 11 months so far. The remaining month was split between about two weeks of spring and two weeks of fall. Now that might exaggerate things a little but not much. We had an older sister in the church who had lived most of her life in northern Oregon before moving to California. She told me “actually, I prefer the rain and cold to this sun and heat”. I was amazed. Another time I entered a business office where someone was opening all the windows so they “could hear the rain”. Having been raised in Oregon it struck me quite strange and I commented “Where I come from…rain is not an event, it is a way of life.”
All of that has caused me to consider Paul’s words to the Philippian church when he said:
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Philippians 4:11
And later to Timothy when he said:
But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6
We enjoy the sunshine but also need the rain and we must learn to be content in both. We all are in a season of life and there will be other seasons as well. We all will face challenges and experience great joys but the sustaining factor in both the highs and the lows of life must be the stabilizing and comforting fact of God’s loving and continuing presence with us no matter the circumstance, season, emotion, challenge, or joy.
The writer of Hebrews said it like this:
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5
God promised Israel (Deuteronomy 31:6-8) he would never leave them or forsake them. That promise has been extended to each of us as Christian believers; those who have entered into the New Covenant through Christ. May each of our hearts embrace afresh God’s promise to always be present and near us no matter the situation or circumstances. He is faithful. God bless you all. Enjoy the sunshine and an early happy Mother’s Day to the Mother’s in our midst.
Housekeeping items:
Camp Meeting: June 25-July 9. If you plan to attend in person even for a short time, please register on our HQ website. You can access it directly or via our local website. This is important because I need to “approve” any who are staying on the church campgrounds from or under the umbrella of Seattle. This would include registering any extended family who you hope to have come as well. Also, if you have minor children please make sure they are also registered and that either a parent or guardian will be there the entire time they are at camp. (See guardian requirements/forms on the website also)
Youth Camp: July 24-29 at Mayfield Lake. We should receive registration/application information within a couple of weeks. We anticipate the cost to be just slightly above last years $260/camper. We are also discussing holding a car wash/fundraiser next month to help offset the costs.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor