Uplook - February 3, 2024
Dear Saints,
I have been working on a training presentation to be given next month at Ministers Meeting during Portland Tabernacle Meetings. It has to do with facing challenges which come to ministers as well as all Christians (and all humanity for that matter). The good news is that as Christians, we do not face life’s challenges alone but rather have entered into a relationship with One who has promised to walk with us. We are also promised great comfort from God the Holy Spirit, who has been expressly sent to us after the ascension of Jesus back to heaven as our great Intercessor. Jesus’ words to His disciples were clearly given to encourage them as difficult times approached.
If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14:15–18
Our response to the variety of challenges and trials which come our way must be informed by our Christian worldview. Remembering such things as the inherent dignity and value of human beings balanced by the fall of humanity into sin are all foundational parts of the creation story. That story continues with a promise of redemption coming from “the seed of the woman” whom we know was Jesus Christ. Our perspective is again informed by the fact that we are in the midst of God’s redemptive plan for all creation and called to live as those who have been transformed by grace and mercy through Christ. These foundational principles then inform not only how we live and the choices we make, but also how we respond to the culture and challenges around us. It is incumbent upon us as God’s representatives in the world to be reflective of His life and message to those around about us.
So when we are trying to discern a course of action, or to make a decision, or maybe even more importantly, how we respond to a situation, may we prayerfully consider not only our need to do the “right” thing, but also our need to do it at the “right” time and to do it in the “right” way (or with the right spirit/motive/intention). These are certainly challenging times but we have a God who is all sufficient and all knowing and whose heart is for us and the redemption of those who will receive His message. May we be a part of that message.
Housekeeping Items
Choir – We begin choir practice tomorrow at 3:30pm in anticipation of Easter (March 31)
Food Drive – As promised, in lieu of Operation Christmas Child at Christmas we have chosen to support a local food pantry benefiting those in our area. For the last three Sundays of February we will be collecting food to benefit those in the Northgate community who are in need. A table will be in the Narthex along with a list of potential items to give. For more information you can check with Sis. Lorina or Bro. Bill
Security Update – The new front door is installed and will be complete next week. New windows have also been ordered for those broken. We are currently investigating options to protect the sanctuary windows from further vandalism. We are also investigating better lighting for our parking lots and an increased security camera presence. Please pray for wisdom and also for the protection of our church building.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
I have been working on a training presentation to be given next month at Ministers Meeting during Portland Tabernacle Meetings. It has to do with facing challenges which come to ministers as well as all Christians (and all humanity for that matter). The good news is that as Christians, we do not face life’s challenges alone but rather have entered into a relationship with One who has promised to walk with us. We are also promised great comfort from God the Holy Spirit, who has been expressly sent to us after the ascension of Jesus back to heaven as our great Intercessor. Jesus’ words to His disciples were clearly given to encourage them as difficult times approached.
If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14:15–18
Our response to the variety of challenges and trials which come our way must be informed by our Christian worldview. Remembering such things as the inherent dignity and value of human beings balanced by the fall of humanity into sin are all foundational parts of the creation story. That story continues with a promise of redemption coming from “the seed of the woman” whom we know was Jesus Christ. Our perspective is again informed by the fact that we are in the midst of God’s redemptive plan for all creation and called to live as those who have been transformed by grace and mercy through Christ. These foundational principles then inform not only how we live and the choices we make, but also how we respond to the culture and challenges around us. It is incumbent upon us as God’s representatives in the world to be reflective of His life and message to those around about us.
So when we are trying to discern a course of action, or to make a decision, or maybe even more importantly, how we respond to a situation, may we prayerfully consider not only our need to do the “right” thing, but also our need to do it at the “right” time and to do it in the “right” way (or with the right spirit/motive/intention). These are certainly challenging times but we have a God who is all sufficient and all knowing and whose heart is for us and the redemption of those who will receive His message. May we be a part of that message.
Housekeeping Items
Choir – We begin choir practice tomorrow at 3:30pm in anticipation of Easter (March 31)
Food Drive – As promised, in lieu of Operation Christmas Child at Christmas we have chosen to support a local food pantry benefiting those in our area. For the last three Sundays of February we will be collecting food to benefit those in the Northgate community who are in need. A table will be in the Narthex along with a list of potential items to give. For more information you can check with Sis. Lorina or Bro. Bill
Security Update – The new front door is installed and will be complete next week. New windows have also been ordered for those broken. We are currently investigating options to protect the sanctuary windows from further vandalism. We are also investigating better lighting for our parking lots and an increased security camera presence. Please pray for wisdom and also for the protection of our church building.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor