Uplook - February 1, 2025

Good Saturday afternoon,

We have enjoyed a dry January here in Seattle.  Now…for a Pacific Northwest native like me it is quite clear that this is not “normal”.  We have received about 20% of the normal average precipitation last month.  Our statewide snowpack is about 20% less than normal. In a typical January we receive about 5.5 inches of rain and have 18 days with measurable precipitation.   We have had a bit over one inch of rain and only 10 days with any rain.   And while we have enjoyed the sunshine, I chuckled earlier today as I looked out the window of my office at the mixture of rain and then snow which was falling only to later be followed by more blue sky.  It all reminded me of the words of the Prophet Isaiah.  

For as the rain cometh down, And the snow from heaven, And returneth not thither, But watereth the earth, And maketh it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: It shall not return unto me void, But it shall accomplish that which I please, And it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:10–11

Just as sure as the rain (and sometimes snow) fall in our region, providing for the green forests and beautiful lakes and streams, so God’s Word flows to all of humanity.  While not everyone receives or benefits from it, the benefits are there for all to enjoy and participate in because of God’s love for us.   One of my first pastors used to say, “All rain makes a flood, but all sun makes a desert.”  He was trying to teach us all that God holds all in the balance of His hand and loving will.  While we would sometimes only like sunshine…we well understand the challenges that come with such an unbalanced type of climate.  And there are also those among us who prefer rain and more moderate temperatures and yet all rain and cold temperatures bring with them their own set of challenges.  May it be our prayer…that whatever physical climate in which we live or find ourselves, that we embrace and receive God’s Word which has been sent to point us to a savior, Jesus Christ.
Just a note of reminder that next Sunday, February 9 we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples Feet in our evening service.  Please plan to attend and receive the Lord’s blessings if you are able.
God bless you all.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor





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