Uplook - August 6, 2023
Good morning again from Seoul, South Korea,
It is Sunday morning here and I will be preaching in the morning worship service which is the final service of their camp meeting. It has been a good time thus far with wonderful testimonies, a variety of sermons (besides mine), celebration of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples Feet, and yesterday we baptized 6 new believers in water following the commandment of the Lord.
It is very hot and humid … at 9 am it is 86 degrees and the humidity is 80 percent with both expected to rise later in the day. Thank the Lord for air conditioning. And thank you all for your prayers on our behalf and for the camp meeting. We depart for Seattle (via Tokyo) a little after noon on Monday and will arrive about the same time in Seattle (due to the time difference). We will spend a few days adjusting to jet lag but are happy to report we plan to be at Bible Study on Wednesday evening. Yes…Bible Studies resume this Wednesday at 7 pm so plan to attend if you are able.
Thanks to all who work diligently to make our travels to share the Gospel possible. You are all greatly appreciated.
In Christ,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
It is Sunday morning here and I will be preaching in the morning worship service which is the final service of their camp meeting. It has been a good time thus far with wonderful testimonies, a variety of sermons (besides mine), celebration of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples Feet, and yesterday we baptized 6 new believers in water following the commandment of the Lord.
It is very hot and humid … at 9 am it is 86 degrees and the humidity is 80 percent with both expected to rise later in the day. Thank the Lord for air conditioning. And thank you all for your prayers on our behalf and for the camp meeting. We depart for Seattle (via Tokyo) a little after noon on Monday and will arrive about the same time in Seattle (due to the time difference). We will spend a few days adjusting to jet lag but are happy to report we plan to be at Bible Study on Wednesday evening. Yes…Bible Studies resume this Wednesday at 7 pm so plan to attend if you are able.
Thanks to all who work diligently to make our travels to share the Gospel possible. You are all greatly appreciated.
In Christ,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor