Uplook - December 30, 2023
Good afternoon on the final Saturday of 2023.
I’ve had a little time to reflect during this week, and year end lends itself to that process as well. I will, Lord willing, be making an “official” year end church report at our Quarterly Ordinance service to be held toward the end of January but will share a few things for which I am personally thankful as this year comes to a close.
It seems most obvious that Jesus, who is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, should be at the top of the list. It was in October 50 years ago that I surrendered by heart to Him and that relationship has proved to be the defining factor in my life. Beyond that…perhaps the best decision which God helped me to make was marrying Lori. This month we celebrated our 47th anniversary for which I am very thankful. I know she has carried the heavy end of the load many times and has continued to love and support me even when seeing me at my lowest.
Flowing from those two choices have come three children who now enjoy loving spouses and a number of grandchildren all who bring much joy. Also, the chance to love and serve the Lord as an under shepherd to His flock for over 35 years continues to bring much joy to my life even when things have been tough.
And then there are the seemingly “small” things which constantly remind me of God’s goodness. Things like: beautiful sunrises/sunsets, the sound of the surf, a walk among the fall leaves, a good cup of Earl Grey tea, fresh mangos, Christmas cards, and greetings from afar.
It’s not as if my life is perfect nor void of any pain, loss, or trouble, but by God’s grace I believe God wants us “to be a fountain and not a drain”. I read that recently and I know that ultimately we are not the “source” of anything good, but since we have been grafted into the Gospel vine through Christ…who is the source of all goodness and life…I think we can at least be a channel through with the fountain can flow. That’s my goal for the next year.
We pray for each of you who read this, attend church, or watch our live streamed services. May the gracious Lord of All be near to you, whatever your circumstance may be throughout the new year.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Apostolic Faith Church
Seattle, WA
I’ve had a little time to reflect during this week, and year end lends itself to that process as well. I will, Lord willing, be making an “official” year end church report at our Quarterly Ordinance service to be held toward the end of January but will share a few things for which I am personally thankful as this year comes to a close.
It seems most obvious that Jesus, who is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, should be at the top of the list. It was in October 50 years ago that I surrendered by heart to Him and that relationship has proved to be the defining factor in my life. Beyond that…perhaps the best decision which God helped me to make was marrying Lori. This month we celebrated our 47th anniversary for which I am very thankful. I know she has carried the heavy end of the load many times and has continued to love and support me even when seeing me at my lowest.
Flowing from those two choices have come three children who now enjoy loving spouses and a number of grandchildren all who bring much joy. Also, the chance to love and serve the Lord as an under shepherd to His flock for over 35 years continues to bring much joy to my life even when things have been tough.
And then there are the seemingly “small” things which constantly remind me of God’s goodness. Things like: beautiful sunrises/sunsets, the sound of the surf, a walk among the fall leaves, a good cup of Earl Grey tea, fresh mangos, Christmas cards, and greetings from afar.
It’s not as if my life is perfect nor void of any pain, loss, or trouble, but by God’s grace I believe God wants us “to be a fountain and not a drain”. I read that recently and I know that ultimately we are not the “source” of anything good, but since we have been grafted into the Gospel vine through Christ…who is the source of all goodness and life…I think we can at least be a channel through with the fountain can flow. That’s my goal for the next year.
We pray for each of you who read this, attend church, or watch our live streamed services. May the gracious Lord of All be near to you, whatever your circumstance may be throughout the new year.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
Apostolic Faith Church
Seattle, WA