Uplook - December 23, 2023
Good afternoon dear Seattle saints,
The winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere where we live was last Thursday, December 21st . It marks the point at which our hemisphere is tilted the farthest away from the sun during the entire year. The nights are long and the days short and this day is the pinnacle of both. Interestingly enough…the sun in itself has not “moved” but rather the earth because of its tilt of 23.5 degrees during its rotation around the sun finds itself turned away from the sun for longer portions of time in the northern hemisphere. (Of course the same is true in the Southern Hemisphere…only in June rather than December) As I have reflected, it seems that our world is certainly tilted away from God by sin and it seems there are times when sin and darkness have a distinct advantage and things are pretty cold and dark. May I remind you that it was during just such a time that Jesus arrived in Bethlehem’s manger and it is also in just such a time when He will return as promised.
I am reminded of the old hymn “The Comforter Has Come” written by Francis Bottome in the late 19th century. While not a Christmas Carol, it offers great hope because of the coming of the promised Holy Spirit.
1 O spread the tidings 'round Wherever man is found, Wherever human hearts and human woes abound; Let every Christian tongue proclaim the joyful sound: The Comforter has come!
Refrain: The Comforter has come, the Comforter has come! The Holy Ghost from heaven, the Father's promise given; O spread the tidings 'round wherever man is found: The Comforter has come!
2 The long, long night is past, the morning breaks at last, And hushed the dreadful wail and fury of the blast, As o'er the golden hills the day advances fast! The Comforter has come! [Refrain]
3 Lo, the great King of kings with healing in His wings, To every captive soul a full deliverance brings; And through the vacant cells the song of triumph rings; The Comforter has come! [Refrain]
4 O boundless Love divine! how shall this tongue of mine To wondering mortals tell the matchless grace divine: That I, a child of hell, should in His image shine! The Comforter has come! [Refrain]
The original lyrics were written in 1890, some 16 years before the Azusa Street Revival outpouring of the Holy Spirit, but the longing and hunger present within the Church in general and the Holiness Movement in particular is quite evident. They were longing for the promised “Latter Rain” prophesied by Joel. And yet in a similar way nearly two millennia earlier the Jews longed for Christ’s first Advent. Consider that it was to a world of “human hearts and woes abounding” to which Christ came. The Jews had waited 400 years since word from the last prophet- Malechi before Jesus’ first Advent. And yet after what seemed like “the long long night” to them the light of Christ appeared in Bethlehem’s manger and has been advancing “o’er the golden hills”. And the king born in the manger so long ago will soon return as “King of kings” and Lord of lords.
We are blessed to know this Jesus to whom “every captive soul a full deliverance brings” and can rejoice in the “song of triumph” which echoes “through the vacant cells”. Most of all this time of year may we reflect on the “boundless Love divine” and “matchless grace divine” and in that reflection catch just a glimpse of God’s grand plan for you and me and all of humanity…that we “should in His image shine”.
Our schedule for services until year end includes both Sunday School and Morning Worship on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. No Evening Services or Bible Study until the new year. God bless you all. Lori joins me in wishing each of you and yours a wonderful Christmas.
Noel – Christ is born.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
The winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere where we live was last Thursday, December 21st . It marks the point at which our hemisphere is tilted the farthest away from the sun during the entire year. The nights are long and the days short and this day is the pinnacle of both. Interestingly enough…the sun in itself has not “moved” but rather the earth because of its tilt of 23.5 degrees during its rotation around the sun finds itself turned away from the sun for longer portions of time in the northern hemisphere. (Of course the same is true in the Southern Hemisphere…only in June rather than December) As I have reflected, it seems that our world is certainly tilted away from God by sin and it seems there are times when sin and darkness have a distinct advantage and things are pretty cold and dark. May I remind you that it was during just such a time that Jesus arrived in Bethlehem’s manger and it is also in just such a time when He will return as promised.
I am reminded of the old hymn “The Comforter Has Come” written by Francis Bottome in the late 19th century. While not a Christmas Carol, it offers great hope because of the coming of the promised Holy Spirit.
1 O spread the tidings 'round Wherever man is found, Wherever human hearts and human woes abound; Let every Christian tongue proclaim the joyful sound: The Comforter has come!
Refrain: The Comforter has come, the Comforter has come! The Holy Ghost from heaven, the Father's promise given; O spread the tidings 'round wherever man is found: The Comforter has come!
2 The long, long night is past, the morning breaks at last, And hushed the dreadful wail and fury of the blast, As o'er the golden hills the day advances fast! The Comforter has come! [Refrain]
3 Lo, the great King of kings with healing in His wings, To every captive soul a full deliverance brings; And through the vacant cells the song of triumph rings; The Comforter has come! [Refrain]
4 O boundless Love divine! how shall this tongue of mine To wondering mortals tell the matchless grace divine: That I, a child of hell, should in His image shine! The Comforter has come! [Refrain]
The original lyrics were written in 1890, some 16 years before the Azusa Street Revival outpouring of the Holy Spirit, but the longing and hunger present within the Church in general and the Holiness Movement in particular is quite evident. They were longing for the promised “Latter Rain” prophesied by Joel. And yet in a similar way nearly two millennia earlier the Jews longed for Christ’s first Advent. Consider that it was to a world of “human hearts and woes abounding” to which Christ came. The Jews had waited 400 years since word from the last prophet- Malechi before Jesus’ first Advent. And yet after what seemed like “the long long night” to them the light of Christ appeared in Bethlehem’s manger and has been advancing “o’er the golden hills”. And the king born in the manger so long ago will soon return as “King of kings” and Lord of lords.
We are blessed to know this Jesus to whom “every captive soul a full deliverance brings” and can rejoice in the “song of triumph” which echoes “through the vacant cells”. Most of all this time of year may we reflect on the “boundless Love divine” and “matchless grace divine” and in that reflection catch just a glimpse of God’s grand plan for you and me and all of humanity…that we “should in His image shine”.
Our schedule for services until year end includes both Sunday School and Morning Worship on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. No Evening Services or Bible Study until the new year. God bless you all. Lori joins me in wishing each of you and yours a wonderful Christmas.
Noel – Christ is born.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor