Weekly Uplook - May 21st
Good afternoon beloved Seattle Saints,
Today as I looked out at the beautiful sunny day, the lyrics of a song I composed some years ago came to mind. The song entitled “The Sun Will Shine Again” was written after the passing of Sis. Lori’s mother. It was a difficult time for our family but especially for Lori and as such it was an attempt to encourage her. Consider these words…
The Sun Will Shine Again
Vs. 1 The sun will shine again, my dear. The clouds will fade as will your tears. The pain of separation won’t last forevermore.
The Lord has promised grace to bear…your pain and hurt and every care. He’s promised a reunion some glad and happy day.
The sun will shine again and the darkness will end.
We’ll see loved ones gone before on that blessed golden shore.
The clouds will fade away. With our loved ones we will stay.
What a grand reunion day. When the sun will shine again.
Vs. 2. The sun will shine again, my dear. The memories will grow through the years. The love and care shown to you…will n’er be far away.
The legacy of love must flow… to every generation. And now it’s up to you to pass it on to them
Repeat Chorus
I am not sure what you are going through during this season of your life but I do know that “the sun will shine again”. God is faithful and promises to bring comfort through and redemption in the darkest and most difficult times we face in life. Our grief is real. Our pain and loss is real. Our frustrations and fears are real. And yet…those clouds will part in the presence of “the Sun of righteousness” risen “with healing in his wings…” Malachi 4:2. May each of you experience the warmth and love of God’s sunshine afresh this week.
God bless you all.
Today as I looked out at the beautiful sunny day, the lyrics of a song I composed some years ago came to mind. The song entitled “The Sun Will Shine Again” was written after the passing of Sis. Lori’s mother. It was a difficult time for our family but especially for Lori and as such it was an attempt to encourage her. Consider these words…
The Sun Will Shine Again
Vs. 1 The sun will shine again, my dear. The clouds will fade as will your tears. The pain of separation won’t last forevermore.
The Lord has promised grace to bear…your pain and hurt and every care. He’s promised a reunion some glad and happy day.
The sun will shine again and the darkness will end.
We’ll see loved ones gone before on that blessed golden shore.
The clouds will fade away. With our loved ones we will stay.
What a grand reunion day. When the sun will shine again.
Vs. 2. The sun will shine again, my dear. The memories will grow through the years. The love and care shown to you…will n’er be far away.
The legacy of love must flow… to every generation. And now it’s up to you to pass it on to them
Repeat Chorus
I am not sure what you are going through during this season of your life but I do know that “the sun will shine again”. God is faithful and promises to bring comfort through and redemption in the darkest and most difficult times we face in life. Our grief is real. Our pain and loss is real. Our frustrations and fears are real. And yet…those clouds will part in the presence of “the Sun of righteousness” risen “with healing in his wings…” Malachi 4:2. May each of you experience the warmth and love of God’s sunshine afresh this week.
God bless you all.