Uplook - February 8, 2025
Saturday greetings to all,
I know I wrote a bit about rain and snow (or lack of it) recently, but of course the dry January has turned into a snowy early February. While snow is not an oddity in Seattle with mountains nearby, we only get it in the city areas occasionally each winter. It is mesmerizing to watch it fall and then brings a sense of calm and peace when everything is covered. Of course those feelings quickly flee when we must walk or drive in it or after it then melts a bit and freezes again.
Of course snow is simply ice crystals which begin to form directly from water vapor freezing around dust/pollen when the temperature within a cloud. As these crystals collide and stick together they form beautiful six cited snowflakes. These are formed due to the crystalline structure of water itself and are each original. Interestingly, new snow often has lots of air trapped among the crystals. In fact, fresh un-compacted snow us usually over 90% air.
Well…enough science lesson, now for the application. Consider how we try to rid our homes of dust and pollen (especially if we have allergies). And yet this same dust/pollen plays an important role in one of God’s most majestic creations. While impossible to see without a microscope, each flake is an individual masterpiece of the Creator of the universe. Could it be that God is at work in your or my life today creating something beautiful out of those small irritants which we are always trying to rid ourselves of? Could it be that when it finally becomes “heavy enough” that it will fall to the earth and bring with it a calm beauty that we had forgotten was there all the time. There isn’t enough time today to discuss the extended value of the mountain snow pack or even the beauty of glaciers and icebergs all which begin with those tiny snowflakes. And yet, it is sure that God is at work in our lives with even more interest than He places in designing individual snowflakes. It reminds me of Jesus’ words about hair and sparrows
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6–7
May God continue to work His creative majesty in and through each of you in the days and months ahead. It is sure that you are valuable to Him.
Housekeeping Notes:
Ordinance Services: Tomorrow night we will hold our quarterly Ordinance service with the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples Feet. Please join us if you are able.
Traffic Updates: We have received news of a couple of traffic issues which may affect you as you travel to and from church. 1) There is a project to replace natural gas mains near the church. While this work will be done primarily on week days, there may be lane closures, parking restrictions, road patching. This is to begin within a couple of weeks and last through the summer. 2) There is a massive repair project on I-5 which will begin/expand this spring. It will include closing two northbound lanes on the Ship Canal bridge for nine months. Also, the express lanes will support ONLY northbound traffic during this time which will make southbound travel more difficult as well. We will share this in more detail tomorrow night at ordinance service so all can plan the extra time or changed routes needed to get to and from church in a timely manner.
Cleaning Teams: We have revised and updated the Cleaning Teams and schedule. There is still a need for willing hearts to help in this area so if you are willing, please let Bro. Bill know.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor
I know I wrote a bit about rain and snow (or lack of it) recently, but of course the dry January has turned into a snowy early February. While snow is not an oddity in Seattle with mountains nearby, we only get it in the city areas occasionally each winter. It is mesmerizing to watch it fall and then brings a sense of calm and peace when everything is covered. Of course those feelings quickly flee when we must walk or drive in it or after it then melts a bit and freezes again.
Of course snow is simply ice crystals which begin to form directly from water vapor freezing around dust/pollen when the temperature within a cloud. As these crystals collide and stick together they form beautiful six cited snowflakes. These are formed due to the crystalline structure of water itself and are each original. Interestingly, new snow often has lots of air trapped among the crystals. In fact, fresh un-compacted snow us usually over 90% air.
Well…enough science lesson, now for the application. Consider how we try to rid our homes of dust and pollen (especially if we have allergies). And yet this same dust/pollen plays an important role in one of God’s most majestic creations. While impossible to see without a microscope, each flake is an individual masterpiece of the Creator of the universe. Could it be that God is at work in your or my life today creating something beautiful out of those small irritants which we are always trying to rid ourselves of? Could it be that when it finally becomes “heavy enough” that it will fall to the earth and bring with it a calm beauty that we had forgotten was there all the time. There isn’t enough time today to discuss the extended value of the mountain snow pack or even the beauty of glaciers and icebergs all which begin with those tiny snowflakes. And yet, it is sure that God is at work in our lives with even more interest than He places in designing individual snowflakes. It reminds me of Jesus’ words about hair and sparrows
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6–7
May God continue to work His creative majesty in and through each of you in the days and months ahead. It is sure that you are valuable to Him.
Housekeeping Notes:
Ordinance Services: Tomorrow night we will hold our quarterly Ordinance service with the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples Feet. Please join us if you are able.
Traffic Updates: We have received news of a couple of traffic issues which may affect you as you travel to and from church. 1) There is a project to replace natural gas mains near the church. While this work will be done primarily on week days, there may be lane closures, parking restrictions, road patching. This is to begin within a couple of weeks and last through the summer. 2) There is a massive repair project on I-5 which will begin/expand this spring. It will include closing two northbound lanes on the Ship Canal bridge for nine months. Also, the express lanes will support ONLY northbound traffic during this time which will make southbound travel more difficult as well. We will share this in more detail tomorrow night at ordinance service so all can plan the extra time or changed routes needed to get to and from church in a timely manner.
Cleaning Teams: We have revised and updated the Cleaning Teams and schedule. There is still a need for willing hearts to help in this area so if you are willing, please let Bro. Bill know.
God bless,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor