Weekly Uplook - August 27

Dear Seattle Saints,
First let me apologize to those of you who tried to tune in to our Wednesday Bible Study. We were ready to go live when my laptop computer locked the hard drive and I was unable to get it unlocked in a timely enough manner to broadcast. Although we did give the Bible Study for those who were present in person, I will also try to record a version of it from my home office and post it before next week so we will have the complete series and those of you who are following may “catch up”. Thank you for your patience. We are also in the process of upgrading equipment and software which will allow us to begin broadcasting all of our services. We are in anticipation of beginning in person/hybrid Sunday evening services sometime in September and hope to add Sunday mornings as soon as we have things running reasonably smoothly. We trust this will continue to be a blessing to those who are physically unable to get to services here in the Puget Sound area (particularly our older saints and those who are ill or disabled).

While we have never had a desire to be on YouTube or social media, we learned during the pandemic when we began broadcasting Wednesday and Sunday evening services that some of these folks were actually getting more church than they had been getting in years. We do understand that gathering in person is our first choice based on the admonition of Hebrews 10:25, but also that virtual broadcasting/recording gives access not only to those who are unable to make it to church in person but also to a much wider scope of viewers from all over the world. Please pray for the Lord to direct and bless as we move in this direction.

The summer season is nearly over and we are thankful that this summer many have been able to attend camp meetings, youth camps, and enjoy family vacations again. We know the challenges of infectious disease will always be with us and we are committed to do our best to continue to make church a safe place for all. With that said, we also better understand the “essential” nature of corporate worship and gathering together for fellowship and encouragement as well as celebration of the good things God continues to do even in dire circumstances. With that understanding, Lord willing, we are working with leaders on the details of a weekend of special meetings to be held in Seattle near Veteran’s Day in November. Please pray for the Lord’s direction and perfect plan and feel free to share any ideas or concerns directly with me in the next few weeks.

God bless you all. In Christ,
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor





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